3- GTK2.x and three GTK3.x themes.
4- Elementary-like QtCurve theme.
5- KElementary Emerald Theme
6- egtk Theme for OpenBox
7-KElementary-Rosa Decoration for Kwin
How To Install:
Copy folders in GTK Themes direcotiry to /usr/share/themes
Copy folder in Cusor directory to /usr/share/icons
Copy folders in Decoration directory to /home/ehsan/.kde4/share/apps/aurorae/themes/
Use egtk.obt for openbox
Color Scheme and QtCurve theme are in the QtCurve-Color Scheme directory

Ratings & Comments
Nice work. Here's picture. How can I fix them? http://wstaw.org/m/2014/03/29/qtcurve-luna.png Gentoo [I] kde-base/kdebase-meta Available versions: (4) 4.11.5 ~4.12.3 {aqua +wallpapers} Installed versions: 4.11.5(4)(05:44:15 28.03.2014)(wallpapers -aqua) Homepage: http://www.kde.org/ Description: Merge this to pull in all kdebase-derived packages [I] x11-themes/qtcurve Available versions: 1.8.14 1.8.17-r1 ~1.8.18 {+X aqua gtk kde nls +qt4 qt5 windeco} Installed versions: 1.8.17-r1(09:59:57 28.03.2014)(X gtk kde nls qt4 windeco -aqua -qt5) Homepage: https://github.com/QtCurve/qtcurve Description: A set of widget styles for Qt and GTK2
Again thanks for the update. I have one "problem" here with the border of a window, see screenshot http://minus.com/lzZiMWidhtpxY Now there is a black border at top, left and right but nothing at the bottom. This looks "strange", so I can totally disable that black border (or when this is not possible how can I add that black border also at the bottom) Thanks again!
...can I ask you again for a solution of that missing black bottom line (new screenshot showing the problem with your last v4.3) http://storage6.static.itmages.com/i/14/0604/h_1401864582_1782904_7b32cce3f3.png Thanks!
i'm trying to resolve that.
fix it please try 4.6 ;)
Sorry, no change with 4.6 http://storage6.static.itmages.com/i/14/0604/h_1401877508_5847074_e1ea7a3121.png
Are you using desktop effects? Unfortunately, you have to have them enabled to see the borders and shadows correctly.
No, slow pc here so I disabled all desktop effects. So no chance to have that black bottom line shown?
you have to enable desktop effect.
Thanks for the theme it looks really nice on my kde set up and the chrome theme fits perfectly!
Very nice... I'm using eOS on my laptop, it's beatiful. Now I have that also here on my openSUSE KDE PC, nice! ;) One question, what do I have to do with the "KElementary" folder in your zip?
copy this folder to /usr/share/themes/ and then select KElementary from GTK3 Theme chooser.
Thank you!!!
I don't have the program 'GTK3 Theme Chooser' neither something similar, and this is also my first time installing a theme manually in KDE. What I have to do to get this theme working? I just tried to copy the main folder of the zip and move it ~/.kde/share/apps/desktopthemes/ and try to see if I was able to select it, but it seems it doesn't work so I guess I have to install something related to GTK3 and/or Aurorae, isn't it? Thanks in advance.