Jeo themepack (QtCurve)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
New color schemes
New toolbar buttons
Some fine-tuning on dark themes
Two new grey and dark color schemes
Removed Classic color scheme
New theme file for dark themes
Bigger progressbar
Smaller window buttons
Recolored dark theme
Smaller scrollbar, removed lines
New progressbar
Smaller buttons
Better colors
New gradients on some widgets
Works better with the most used fonts
New color schemes inclued
Reworked gradients
Less rounded widgets
New shadows
Some fine-tuning
Lighter gradients
Alpha channel
New scrollbar
New dock window style
Better tabs
Initial release
Ratings & Comments
9 +
9 This is very helpful!
thanks, Love this theme :)
love the color options. have to try it
Really fantastic theme-/colorpack! Thank you very much!!!
Very good theme! Will be good to see PPA repository for Debian/Ubuntu to Joe KDE4 themes for quick install and update themepack.
This is the most elegant Qt theme I've seen to date.
Thank you!
Any recommendation of icon themes that fit well with this theme? Thanks.
Oxygen, kAwOken, Revuelto, kfaenza, Caledonia are good with this theme. I hope you like them.
Decent theme. But how can I install it?
Just copy the color-schemes and the QtCurve folder in your ~/.kde4/share/apps/ (~ is your home directory) Install QtCurve(depends on distribution) and set the graphical style to Qtcurve in systemsettings/appearance/style then click to configure. Select the Jeo theme. If you want to use Jeo-style window decoration, set the window style to QtCurve in systemsettings/workspace appearance/window decoration. Jeo color schemes can be selected in systemsettings/appearance/colors.
It is perfect!
it's my new favorite theme :)
Why doesn't this have more downloads? Hands-down the most beautiful qtcurve theme. I only wish I could get the scrollbar in Chromium to match this theme, then my desktop would be perfect!!
Thank you! I'm working on it.
Today was finished the classic Chro scrollbar. If the others are ready, upload.
Looks really nice. One of the best QT Curve themes I've seen. Thanks!
I'm glad you like it!
good work. Adwaita likish i have to say, but very interesting :) Keep going!
Thank you!