Oxygen Gtk
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Its primary goal is to ensure visual consistency between gtk and qt-based applications running under kde. A secondary objective is to also have a stand-alone nice looking gtk theme that would behave well on other Desktop Environments.
Unlike other attempts made to port the kde oxygen theme to gtk, this attempt does not depend on Qt (via some Qt to Gtk conversion engine), nor does render the widget appearance via hard coded pixmaps, which otherwise breaks everytime some setting is changed in kde.
- tarballs are hosted on kde ftp servers
- git repository is hosted at https://projects.kde.org
- First link point to a tarball of the official 1.0 release
- Second link point to a tarball of the official 1.1 release
- Third link point to the git repository. For the GTK 2.x version, one can get the latest sources from master branch using
[quote]git clone git://anongit.kde.org/oxygen-gtk[/quote]
and from the GTK 3.x version, using
[quote]git clone -b gtk3 git://anongit.kde.org/oxygen-gtk[/quote]
- See the INSTALL file in the top-level directory.
- You will likely need gtk+2.0 dev packages, as well as Cairo
- Ruslan Kabatsayev
- Cédric Bellegarde
- me
We plan to follow the same release schedule as KDE:
- one minor bug-fixing release every month;
- one major feature release every six month.
See the README file in the top-level directory, for a list of possible issues with the style.
Bugs and feature requests can be sent to KDE bug tracking system (https://bugs.kde.org/). You would need to select Product=Oxygen, and Component=gtk-engine
oxygen-gtk2 - version 1.4.6
oxygen-gtk3 - version 1.4.1
Improvements include:
- for gtk2: fix crash in eclipse
- for gtk3: better integration with gtk3-3.13 and above
oxygen-gtk2 - version 1.4.5
oxygen-gtk3 - version 1.3.5
Improvements include, for gtk2:
- background and shadows in libreoffice
- improved detection of empty areas for window dragging
- fix bluring behind tooltips in KDE on 64 bits machines
- fix calculation of the tabs area
For gtk3:
- made more widgets 'transparent' via css, to get the proper background gradient behind
- fix crash with menubar animations when invalid menubar was passed
- fixed updates for treeviews embedded in scrolled-windows
- added (still not perfect) support for firefox compiled against gtk3
oxygen-gtk2 - version 1.4.4
oxygen-gtk3 - version 1.3.4
These releases where not announced becaues a bug sneaked in just before release that was causing libreoffice to crash and was also affecting the gtk3 version.
oxygen-gtk2 - version 1.4.3
oxygen-gtk3 - version 1.3.3
Fixes a compilation problem with oxygen-gtk-demo and oxygen-gtk3-demo
oxygen-gtk2 - version 1.4.2
oxygen-gtk3 - version 1.3.2
oxygen-gtk3 - version 1.2.2
Bugfixes include
- serious crash in many application like eclipse, libreoffice and other, when mouse-over toolbars and menus.
- rendering issues with gtk3 applications especially under gnome-shell
Also: we added an "information" tab to both oxygen-gtk-demo and oxygen-gtk3-demo to provide software versions.
oxygen-gtk3 - version 1.3.1
Emergency bugfix release due to a crash condition that sneaked in the gtk3-1.3.0 release
oxygen-gtk3 - version 1.3.0
New feature release.
No real feature added, except support for the (heavily changed) gtk3-3.10 version. New widgets have been added, and quite some method calls have been deprecated.
We cannot guarantee that this version with work with older releases of gtk3.
oxygen-gtk2 - version 1.4.1
oxygen-gtk3 - version 1.2.1
New bug fix release.
For gtk2:
- mark zotero as XUL application
- fix some antialias issue on sliders
For gtk3:
- some improvement on inner-shadows
- some extra checks on widgets validity to prevent runtime warnings
- some rendering improvements for instance regarding scrollbars and textviews
oxygen-gtk2 - version 1.4.0
oxygen-gtk3 - version 1.2.0
New feature release of oxygen-gtk2 and oxygen-gtk3. These releases can be compiled and used on non-linux platform (e.g. Windows(r)), and, for the gtk3 version, can run on non X11 backend (e.g. Broadway).
They also include the usual amount of minor bugfixes.
[rest of the back logs, related to the gtk2-1.3 and gtk3-1.1 series have been removed to keep this page clean]
Ratings & Comments
Hello. I have a bug after oxygen-gtk instalation. naulilus looks so beautiful but selection is not visible. Not visible even 1 or many files/folders.
Bugs are best reported to https://bugs.kde.org, as mentionned in the package description. Right now I cannot reproduce. If you submit a bug in the page above please provide the versions you are using, for oxygen-gtk3 (and also try the latest), nautilus, gtk3. Also explain "does not work" and possibly provide screenshot Then I will do my best to fix. Thanks in advance, Hugo
Which product i need to select for bug posting?There are only kde-gtk-config most closest.
Thanks for giving it a shot product is: oxygen component is: gtk3-engine
When Chrome is running under KDE4 using oxygen-gtk as the gtk style, Chrome's popup menu can leave shadows and borders permanently. This happens when you run Chrome for a while (i.e. not initially). I suggest that oxygen-gtk provide a "disable menu shadow" option for now.
This would be either a problem with chrome, or with kwin. Not oxygen-gtk. Thus wont add the option (that would just hide the bug). Feel free to post a bug report at https://bugs.kde.org
With ythickness = 3, menubaritem has exactly the same height as kde apps. style "oxygen-menubaritem" = "oxygen-default" { xthickness = 3 ythickness = 3 } And with ythickness = 3 we get menuitem text perfectly in center. So it's a must ;) style "oxygen-menuitem" = "oxygen-default" { xthickness = 1 ythickness = 3 } Any chances to get those fixes included in official release?
Hi, please update oxygen-gtk to support Evince and other GTK 3.10 apps.
you need to file proper bug reports (bugs.kde.org) with more details to get any help on this. Notably, what you mean by "support" ?
in your 1.4.0 the previous bug that i report is reoccur again. please check otakux 403 0.0 0.0 229100 7468 ? Ssl 13:57 0:00 gcin otakux 411 0.0 0.0 229100 7468 ? Ssl 13:57 0:00 gcin otakux 626 0.0 0.0 229100 7492 ? Ssl 13:57 0:00 gcin otakux 781 0.0 0.0 229100 7488 ? Ssl 13:57 0:00 gcin otakux 819 0.0 0.0 229100 7484 ? Ssl 13:57 0:00 gcin otakux 858 0.0 0.0 229100 7492 ? Ssl 13:57 0:00 gcin otakux 889 0.0 0.0 229100 7488 ? Ssl 13:57 0:00 gcin otakux 917 0.0 0.0 229100 7488 ? Ssl 13:57 0:00 gcin otakux 987 0.0 0.0 229100 7488 ? Ssl 13:57 0:00 gcin otakux 1000 0.0 0.0 229100 7484 ? Ssl 13:57 0:00 gcin otakux 1090 0.0 0.0 229100 7488 ? Ssl 13:57 0:00 gcin otakux 1098 0.1 0.0 324336 12800 ? Ssl 13:57 0:00 gcin
ok, i fix this problem by using the 13.10 glib version, 2.38. and seems has no problem.
Hi, indeed this is an issue with glib (that affects many other applications) and not with oxygen-gtk. So not much we can do on our side. Please report the issue to them in case it re-occur with more recent versions of glib ...
Just to make sure: When using a color schema different to oxygen this doesn't help me, does it?
Not sure I understand the question. Oxygen-gtk is primarily written for matching gtk and Qt applications in KDE. So, if you use a different colorscheme, in kde, it should be caught automatically by oxygen-gtk and they would still match the Qt/KDE applications. Now, for other desktop environments (gnome, fwm, etc.), oxygen-gtk will not pick the colorscheme changes, and thus you'd have to do the job manually. Easiest is to make a copy of /usr/share/themes/oxygen-gtk/gtk-2.0/kdeglobals to $HOME/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals and modify the colors (manually) in there.
to know that it's been worked on. Thanks a lot for the work in debugging and fixing this... Still this gave me a scare, basic functionality becoming unavailable. Not going to upgrade next time before the magical .3 release!
Are you aware that this theme (the default in kde) is not usable in Kubuntu 13.04? Thunderbird and firefox experience random hangs, which are solved by not using oxygen-gtk2. See this link for more information: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2138120
Nope, was not aware. Also, best way to submit bugs for oxygen-gtk is https://bugs.kde.org would help us get more info and interaction with users, (notably the oxygen-gtk version that is shiped with the distro). (note: here with mageai3 there is no issue with firefix, thunderbird nor anything).
Also, last comment of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bug/963736 says that issue also happens with other themes. So not sure it is actually related to oxygen-gtk at all (but unclear what theme has actually been changed)
... as for the freeze reported at: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emacs23/+bug/1142213 its actually a glib issue and has been fixed (worked around) in latest oxygen-gtk. See: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=318891
When viewing videos in gnome-mplayer, background is showed as a gray-black gradient rather than all black. What edits are needed to make the gradient go away? I use this theme in KDE 4.9 from ubuntu 12.10 for gtk apps.
Not easy: there is no configuration for this. What you describe is actually a bug and should be reported as such (see instructions above).
Nice solution!) How can I change backgroud color of buttons? Now they are having gray backgroud. And I want set white background. I undestand css a little bit. So I can change some options in theme's sources, if necessary.
it depends on your installation. if you are using kde, just change the color settings. if you are not, locate the file name kdeglobals installed with oxygen-gtk (usually: /usr/share/themes/oxygen-gtk/gtk-2.0/kdeglobals), make a copy to .config/oxygen-gtk/kdeglobals and modify the colors there. The colors you need to modify are under the section [Colors:Button] Note that you can also modify the above file directly provided you have root access.
Hi, This is a great great port ! I use XFCE and the theme works well with an exception, I lose almost every icons... Is there a way to keep my Faenza icon theme and just applying the theme? Thnaks in advance !
Since you are not using kde I guess you can't change it via some kde configuration tool, I guess. You need to locate the file name kdeglobals installed with oxygen-gtk (usually: /usr/share/themes/oxygen-gtk/gtk-2.0/kdeglobals), make a copy to $HOME/.config/oxygen-gtk/kdeglobals and modify the icon theme from there. Basically you'd need to add: [Icons] Theme=Fanzea Note that you can also modify the above file directly provided you have root access.