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Hi, could you please tell me where i can download your wallpaper ? it is really beautiful.. thanks
Bottom right-hand corner (www.digitalblasphemy.com) :)
your Screenshot have WTLIB icon what is it?
Watchtower Library (http://www.watchtower.org), runs under WINE :)
I did ask you, but I did know WTLIB was Watchtower library, I'm a Jehovah Witness, are you?
Yep "one of Jehovah's Witnesses" (I'm anal about grammar like that)
BTW, yes you could make the point that "Jehovah Witness" is grammatically correct, but only if you wished to imply that "Jehovah" is not a Proper Noun and therefore not an entity. You would then be reducing God's name to an adjectival modifer like "foo" in "foo fighter" or "power" in "power ranger". From your name it appears as though you may not speak English natively, but I've noticed a lot of native English speakers make the same mistake, and it's really annoying.
Sorry, I dont know speak english, I'm from Brazil, thank you for your information.
Yeah, I figured from the name, just putting it out there for English speakers :)
Anyone think a shaded border area (like on the calender or the Slashdot theme) would look better than how it currently looks? Already have an alternate version, but not sure if I even need to bother uploading it.
The little bar on the lower right is a modified Karamba theme, called "karamba_time". It originally is a small clock with an email counter. Since I didn't need another time display, I modified that theme to simply display the counter centered. P.S: Looks like I accidentally submitted that reply twice. My bad.
hi, i'm refering to the thing on the bottom right of the screen, just above the text digital blasphemy.com. the thing saying 0....
like the subject says, nice! is that xmms or noatun or what? What skin is that? greetz, deech
Not sure what you're referring to, as I don't have a multimedia player open on this screenshot. The screenshot demonstrates a Karamba theme (the "Tasks" part in the lower left corner). Karamba is utilized for the drop shadow on the kicker, the calender on the right, and the Slashdot theme below that. If you're not familiar with Karamba here's the site -- http://www.efd.lth.se/~d98hk/karamba/
Not sure what you're referring to, as I don't have a multimedia player open on this screenshot. The screenshot demonstrates a Karamba theme (the "Tasks" part in the lower left corner). Karamba is utilized for the drop shadow on the kicker, the calender on the right, and the Slashdot theme below that. If you're not familiar with Karamba here's the site -- http://www.efd.lth.se/~d98hk/karamba/