KXStudio Plain QtCurve (RC)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
To install - select qtcurve in style settings, open engine-specific settings dialog, then import this file.
Recommended color scheme:
Version 0.3.2: Fix window decoration buttons style;
Version 0.3.1: Change sunken look to plain (was unexpectedly set to aqua )
Version 0.3:
- Bigger rounding;
- Toolbars: add bottom border and inversed gradient. Looks good for detached and expanded (thanks for qt4) toolbars;
\ Popup menu:
- Don't use scanlines, because it forces beveled border instead of plain;
- Background image - plain circles;
- Thinner scrollbars - decreases buttons size, giving more space for bar;
- Progress bar: change bar coloring to mixed selection;
- Buttons: when pressed, change color to lighter;
- Default button: mostly same as hovered;
- Contrast border for highlighted items;
- Attempt to get plain borders for entries and scrollviews;
WARNING: I noticed, that it happens when option "Etch entries and scrollviews" is checked, that should produce reverced effect; if you will not have them plain, try to uncheck this option;
Version 0.2:
- Standard buttons for sidebar
- Gtk button order (OK button goes afer Cancel)
- Standard arrows (look more compact)
- Window header buttons to hide/show menubar and status bar
Version 0.1: First release
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