A unity-alike BE::Shell theme inspired by the Vertex gtk suite.InstallDownload the archive from the link below or clone the git repo with:git clone https://github.com/Hombremaledicto/be.shell.gitYou can either use the provided script or copy manually the files.By script:cd be.shellchmod 777 install./install -i VertexManually:cd be.shellcp -r Themes `kde4-config --localprefix`/share/apps/be.shell/cp be.shell.Vertex `kde4-config --localprefix`/share/config/be.shellkquitapp be.shell; sleep 2; be.shellMenus installationNotice that two menus, Recent and Places, are generated by the relative scripts and that Places requires xmlstarletcp -R Menu Scripts MainMenu.xml `kde4-config --localprefix`/share/apps/be.shellchmod -R 777 `kde4-config --localprefix`/share/apps/be.shell/Scripts/*CreditsThe taskbar icons are from Moka minimal, by cbowman57. http://cbowman57.deviantart.com/art/Moka-Minimal-and-Faba-Minimal-Icon-Sets-482927307Tray icons are from LaGaDesk's BE--Tray: http://be-desk.deviantart.com/art/Be-Tray-Icons-16px-364645083Vertex GTK by horst3180: http://horst3180.deviantart.com/art/Vertex-Theme-470663601TODO- Provide a complementary Plasma theme- Colorschemes for apps, kate, konsole, konversation
Ratings & Comments
And Window Manager?
Kwin, if you're curious about the client side decorations: they're implemented within the Qt style i'm using. It's from the same friend(as the file manager) and i promise to not talk about both of the projects till their public release. Sorry.
It's been awhile; has it been released yet?
What file manager and image viewer?
File manager: it's a secret project, will be released one day. But can't tell any detail of it Image viewer: gwenview