Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
if you want to install a metabar theme just go into konqueror, press F9 if your tabs aren't already there click on the metabar tab right click inside the tab, and click Configure Metabar, then just click install new theme and point to the .tar.bz archive and it will install within 2 seconds, :)
Sorry I'm new to KDE and Linux. How do you install metabar themes? Thanks
This fits in very well with Baghira brushed metal. An amaroK sidebar theme like this would be pretty cool (I've always thought that the sidebar in amaroK looks too much like a web page rather than part of the interface, and themes are similarly made of CSS and images). I may be able to work on one in a few weeks when I have some time. Would you mind if I used parts of your excellent metabar theme in it?
Not at all got for it!
I've made an amaroK theme based on it. What do you think of it? http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=35184
Hi what theme are using? I'd like them to match. Thanks and lovely work.
The widget style looks like Baghira, which is probably the closest QT gets to looking like Mac OS X. It has Brushed Metal and Aqua versions.
If you gave a negative rating please post why so If I can fix it then I will.
Sorry for OT, but howto add that panel on the left side?
Gotcha! Metabar...