******************************************************************************* OLD TEXT, Submitted: Jan 17 2013 My thanks to TeoBigusGeekus first of all. Also thanks to Sector11, mucas and wgacton. Last but not least, my thanks to Andrei (Andrew) from webupd8.
What I did here is take the simple HTC smart phone style clock and weather conky and expend it into a much complete and detailed weather conky, with 7 day weather forecast and details for current weather, sunrise, sunset, moonphases, etc. My screen is full HD 1080p (1920 x 1080), it will work as is on different resolution screens, but not the very small ones. For that you would need to do some serious editing of the conkyrc files to shrink down everything to fit a small size screen.
In fact you are looking at two separate conky here. The first one on the left is based on accuweather script, the revised script, corrected by TeoBigusGeekus after the new website layout for accuweather from the beginning of December 2012. The second one is a dual city (location) based on weather.com (weather channel) script. For that you would need to install conkyforecast, download from here: http://ashu-geek.blogspot.com/2012/03/conkyforecast-224-current-weather.html
For the accuweather based conky, you would need to get your city code from accuweather.com and replace in the Accuweather-Script-AG-EN file, (line 215), replace address="http://www.accuweather.com/en/ro/curtea-de-arges/271850/weather-forecast/271850" with your city code.
For the weather.com based conky, you need to replace both my city codes in the conkyrc file (01-Conky-HTC-Dual-EN.conkyrc) with your location city codes # My 2 locations are Constanța, România and Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, # coresponding to --location=ROXX0034 and --location=USTN0268 # Replace with your city code from www.weather.com
For both conky you would also need to manually edit the displayed name of your city in the section named # LOCATION (CITY NAMES) #
Untar the tar.gz file and copy all contents to your home folder, make sure you enable viewing hidden files and folders (Ctrl + H), there is a hidden “.Conky” folder that needs to be copied too.
You might need to right click and go into properties make the scripts executable by checking the “allow executing file as program” in the permission tab.
Enjoy and let me know what you think.
P.S. _ Thanks to TeoBigusGeekus I was able to get the new Accuweather script, after Acuuweather modified their site in the beginning of December 2012, so it's up to date now and works fine.
Of course, you can have as many conkies as you want.
Just have separate conky launch commands in your startup applications menu for each separate conky.
Google on instructions about how to do that, I'm not gonna get into details on the subject here.
yah i appreciate that you don't care to... the thing is that i spent hours yesterday trying to get two instances of conky running, one with system info and one with weather and nver got them to behave properly...
I'm using debian sid with kernel 3.7 and fglrx 13.3 beta and openbox, tint2, and awn.
not sure if any of that matters.. one instance of conky seems to work... but customizing the second one with the weather is such an aching experience and it never shows the weather... i tried a dozen of them..
Of course you would need to download and install conky forecast in order for any weather related info to be displayed in Conky.
That is one of the reasons why I said I'm not getting into details here....
I use Linux Mint 9 Isadora Gnome 2 and also Linux Mint 14 Nadia MATE and it works in both.
Download link for conky forecast:
Scroll down the page to the conky forecast download links.
Good luck.
I love the app. It`s awesome. A visual masterpiece. I have just a slight issue, and that is this bit of code:
"(sed -n '3p' $HOME/.Conky/02-Conky-HTC-AccuW-AG-EN/Accuweather/first_days)"
This contains the Today's high, but is only displayed as a dash (-). As I understand it, the code retrives Todays high at night, but I still don`t understand why it always is just a dash.
If it`s not solvable, then I will just remove that portion of the config, but it sure would have been nice to solve it somehow;)
Once the day goes on, the current temperature drops to be lower then the day max, so that's why at times you get a dash instead of the max temp.
It makes sense, don't it?
EXAMPLE: The 24C daily max was reached at 3pm (15:00), it is now 7pm (21:00) and the temperature is 19C, so it will only display a line for the daily max...
Nice conky themes.
I am using only one conky (02-conky); deleted other conky (1-conky). When I start conky it open in the centre of my desktop (1600x900), and it is shorter than the height of desktop (900), it appear with 800 approximately.
How can I edit the conky size?
How can I edit the position of conky in my desktop? I would like it at right side, not at centre.
How can I edit the time? Now, here, Manaus/Brazil, 11:35 AM, conky shows 5:35 PM
In the 02-Conky-HTC-AccuW-AG-EN.conkyrc, change the values in the lines:
75 - 76 Gap X and Gap Y
(gap_x 710 ### left &right
gap_y 100 ### up & down)
Gap X is the Horizontal distance from the edge of the screen, Gap Y is the vertical distance from the edge of the screen
You can also change the alignment by commenting/uncommenting one of the lines 68 to 71:
#alignment top_left
alignment top_right
#alignment bottom_left
#alignment bottom_right
Right now the conky is aligned top-right
Go to Accuweather.com and get the location for your city for weather data, change the time in line 129 for your time zone.
For that, you just need to replace "tztime Europe/Bucharest" with "time" and with will display your time zone.
Your Accuweather forecast for Manaus, AM , Brazil is displayed in Portugues at:
Change the weather location in the .Conky/02-Conky-HTC-AccuW-AG-EN/Accuweather/Accuweather-Script-AG-EN file
Line 215 address="http://www.accuweather.com/en/ro/curtea-de-arges/271850/weather-forecast/271850" becomes address="http://www.accuweather.com/pt/br/manaus/42471/weather-forecast/42471"
To display the weather terms in your locale (Brazilian Portuguese) you need to change the locale in the 02-Conky-HTC-AccuW-AG-EN.conkyrc file.
In the # LOCATION (CITY NAMES) # section, besides changing the name of the City in line 140, also change the locale
Line 140 needs to be changed from
.... locale=ro}Curtea de Argeș${font}${color}
to .... locale=pt_BR}Manaus${font}${color}
One last question, what is the command to launch conky automatically on start-up?; I tried a few commands and didn't work, then I tried to start the conky manually from file .conky_start.sh; the conky just blinked and didn't open, had to install everything again. I'm using Mint 13 mate with composite enabled.
My bad, you need to download and install the Weather font, that "Y" I believe it is should show up in weather font as a thermometer, see the snapshot in my screen...
Also you need Helvetica font for clock digits and other stuff. I will edit the download to include all. Just copy the ".fonts" folder to your home folder also.
OK, thanks...
BTW you can also have conkyforecast automatically insert the Location Name by inserting a code like this, which is for Istanbul:
${execi 3 conkyForecast --config=~/.conky/conkyForecast-TUXX0014.config --location=TUXX0014 --datatype=CN}
I know, but it will not display the city correctly with the Romanian characters "ș" and "ț". It will display the English characters "s" and "t"...
You also use "ș" in Turkish, I think that's were we got it from...
Good work.
I need to adapt it to my screen (1280x1024) though.
Regarding the dual conky weather;
I think there's a typo: a letter "y" immediately before the current temperature in both cities.
I also get "Unknown template option" error messages in terminal for "use_spacer right" and "use_spacer left" values in template files.
Few minutes ago I wrote: -
My bad, you need to download and install the Weather font, that "Y" I believe it is should show up in weather font as a thermometer, see the snapshot in my screen...
Also you need Helvetica font for the HTC clock digits and other stuff. I will edit the download to include all. Just copy the ".fonts" folder to your home folder also.
Few minutes ago I wrote: -
My bad, you need to download and install the Weather font, that "Y" I believe it is should show up in weather font as a thermometer, see the snapshot in my screen...
Also you need Helvetica font for the HTC clock digits and other stuff. I will edit the download to include all. Just copy the ".fonts" folder to your home folder also.
Ratings & Comments
i have a reg conky with my system monitor stuff and I want to add a second window with different placement for the weather.... can i do that?
Of course, you can have as many conkies as you want. Just have separate conky launch commands in your startup applications menu for each separate conky. Google on instructions about how to do that, I'm not gonna get into details on the subject here.
yah i appreciate that you don't care to... the thing is that i spent hours yesterday trying to get two instances of conky running, one with system info and one with weather and nver got them to behave properly... I'm using debian sid with kernel 3.7 and fglrx 13.3 beta and openbox, tint2, and awn. not sure if any of that matters.. one instance of conky seems to work... but customizing the second one with the weather is such an aching experience and it never shows the weather... i tried a dozen of them..
Of course you would need to download and install conky forecast in order for any weather related info to be displayed in Conky. That is one of the reasons why I said I'm not getting into details here.... I use Linux Mint 9 Isadora Gnome 2 and also Linux Mint 14 Nadia MATE and it works in both. Download link for conky forecast: http://ashu-geek.blogspot.com/2012/03/conkyforecast-224-current-weather.html Scroll down the page to the conky forecast download links. Good luck.
I love the app. It`s awesome. A visual masterpiece. I have just a slight issue, and that is this bit of code: "(sed -n '3p' $HOME/.Conky/02-Conky-HTC-AccuW-AG-EN/Accuweather/first_days)" This contains the Today's high, but is only displayed as a dash (-). As I understand it, the code retrives Todays high at night, but I still don`t understand why it always is just a dash. If it`s not solvable, then I will just remove that portion of the config, but it sure would have been nice to solve it somehow;)
Once the day goes on, the current temperature drops to be lower then the day max, so that's why at times you get a dash instead of the max temp. It makes sense, don't it? EXAMPLE: The 24C daily max was reached at 3pm (15:00), it is now 7pm (21:00) and the temperature is 19C, so it will only display a line for the daily max...
Congratulations! Nice conky themes. I am using only one conky (02-conky); deleted other conky (1-conky). When I start conky it open in the centre of my desktop (1600x900), and it is shorter than the height of desktop (900), it appear with 800 approximately. How can I edit the conky size? How can I edit the position of conky in my desktop? I would like it at right side, not at centre. How can I edit the time? Now, here, Manaus/Brazil, 11:35 AM, conky shows 5:35 PM Thanks!
In the 02-Conky-HTC-AccuW-AG-EN.conkyrc, change the values in the lines: 75 - 76 Gap X and Gap Y (gap_x 710 ### left &right gap_y 100 ### up & down) Gap X is the Horizontal distance from the edge of the screen, Gap Y is the vertical distance from the edge of the screen You can also change the alignment by commenting/uncommenting one of the lines 68 to 71: #alignment top_left alignment top_right #alignment bottom_left #alignment bottom_right Right now the conky is aligned top-right Go to Accuweather.com and get the location for your city for weather data, change the time in line 129 for your time zone. For that, you just need to replace "tztime Europe/Bucharest" with "time" and with will display your time zone.
Your Accuweather forecast for Manaus, AM , Brazil is displayed in Portugues at: http://www.accuweather.com/pt/br/manaus/42471/weather-forecast/42471 Change the weather location in the .Conky/02-Conky-HTC-AccuW-AG-EN/Accuweather/Accuweather-Script-AG-EN file Line 215 address="http://www.accuweather.com/en/ro/curtea-de-arges/271850/weather-forecast/271850" becomes address="http://www.accuweather.com/pt/br/manaus/42471/weather-forecast/42471"
To display the weather terms in your locale (Brazilian Portuguese) you need to change the locale in the 02-Conky-HTC-AccuW-AG-EN.conkyrc file. In the # LOCATION (CITY NAMES) # section, besides changing the name of the City in line 140, also change the locale Line 140 needs to be changed from .... locale=ro}Curtea de Argeș${font}${color} to .... locale=pt_BR}Manaus${font}${color}
Very thanks, now conky is running fine. I keep it in English, not pt_BR, because it unprovisions the text, showing text over text. Thanks!
OK, good deal. Obrigado, de nada. Enjoy. Maybe I'll see you in 2014, I plan to come to Brazil for the World Cup (Futebol).
You will be welcome to Brazil, to Manaus! Thanks!
One last question, what is the command to launch conky automatically on start-up?; I tried a few commands and didn't work, then I tried to start the conky manually from file .conky_start.sh; the conky just blinked and didn't open, had to install everything again. I'm using Mint 13 mate with composite enabled. Thanks!
There are some issues with Gnome 3 and MATE, that's why I still use Mint 9 (Gnome 2). In mint 13 MATE it will start manually after several attempts...
Yes, after several manual attempts, conky works.OK I will wait works fine in MATE. Obrigado!
My bad, you need to download and install the Weather font, that "Y" I believe it is should show up in weather font as a thermometer, see the snapshot in my screen... Also you need Helvetica font for clock digits and other stuff. I will edit the download to include all. Just copy the ".fonts" folder to your home folder also.
OK, thanks... BTW you can also have conkyforecast automatically insert the Location Name by inserting a code like this, which is for Istanbul: ${execi 3 conkyForecast --config=~/.conky/conkyForecast-TUXX0014.config --location=TUXX0014 --datatype=CN}
I know, but it will not display the city correctly with the Romanian characters "ș" and "ț". It will display the English characters "s" and "t"... You also use "ș" in Turkish, I think that's were we got it from...
Probably... On second thought, I think I will also prefer using the original city name instead of the code :-)
Good work. I need to adapt it to my screen (1280x1024) though. Regarding the dual conky weather; I think there's a typo: a letter "y" immediately before the current temperature in both cities. I also get "Unknown template option" error messages in terminal for "use_spacer right" and "use_spacer left" values in template files.
OK, I FIXED IT NOW, DOWNLOAD AGAIN AND COPY THE ".fonts" FOLDER TO YOUR HOME ALSO. ********************************** Few minutes ago I wrote: - My bad, you need to download and install the Weather font, that "Y" I believe it is should show up in weather font as a thermometer, see the snapshot in my screen... Also you need Helvetica font for the HTC clock digits and other stuff. I will edit the download to include all. Just copy the ".fonts" folder to your home folder also. **********************************
OK, I FIXED IT NOW, DOWNLOAD AGAIN AND COPY THE ".fonts" FOLDER TO YOUR HOME ALSO. ********************************** Few minutes ago I wrote: - My bad, you need to download and install the Weather font, that "Y" I believe it is should show up in weather font as a thermometer, see the snapshot in my screen... Also you need Helvetica font for the HTC clock digits and other stuff. I will edit the download to include all. Just copy the ".fonts" folder to your home folder also. **********************************