Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Sensors include: Time/date, username, distro, kernel version, uptime, CPU name/frequency/usage, system load avgs, RAM/swap usage, battery charge/health, bluetooth connections, disk drives, users logged on, processes, Internet connection status, LAN/WAN IP, Wifi SSID/quality, up/download rate
Verbally notified events include: Battery status/warning, bluetooth connections, drive (un)mounts, Internet connection status, load average, Wifi status/warning
Just download the archive and install like you would any other Screenlet; open the Screenlets Manager and click "Install" and point it to the archive.
I hope you enjoy, please rate/comment! Also please consider donating even a little; college kids need cash!
2013-05-03: v2.8.1
- Debian Wheezy distro support.
2013-04-26: v2.8.0
+ Added "Users" sensor which displays a list of users logged onto the system.
2013-04-19: v2.7.6
- Upgraded asensors.py library, using new WAN address server. WAN will not work for all previous versions!
25 February 2013: v2.7.5
- Upgraded to asensors.py library v4.2.4, fixing WAN problem.
- Removed weather feature (Google doesn't like..).
- Upload/Download speed now scales from KiBps up to TiBps, and uses IEC standard for data measurement.
- Removed pywapi.py(c) files; don't need them anymore.
26 December 2012: v2.7.3
- Upgraded asensors library which should provide a fix for the battery sensor.
19 October 2012: v2.7.2
- Upgraded to aspeak library v1.1.0; more efficient threading and removes slight memory leak and thread leak.
15 October 2012: v2.7.1
- Upgraded to aspeak library v1.0.0 which uses threads for speech. This fixes the problem of the screenlet becoming unresponsive if espeak fails.
- Fixed little bluetooth startup bug.
- Organized code some more.
10 October 2012: v2.7.0
- Got rid of seconds display in Time sensor.
- Removed unnecessary code and reorganized code.
- Background/frame now rounded.
- Removed custom background image capability.
- Guesses wifi device on first run.
- Most sensors now enabled by default.
- Added "Bright" and "Dark" themes.
05 Mar 2012: v2.0
Initial release.
Ratings & Comments
just did a fresh install and was going to install the regular system monitor again when i saw this. i rely on the sysmon screenlet for a lot, and if this is as good as it looks, i won't be going back to what i had.
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Don't know if you have considered adding your screenlets to official Ubuntu PPA/source code repository. http://screenlets.org/index.php/Documentation#Why_should_I_add_my_Screenlet_to_individual_Screenlets_project
Thanks, I'll look into that.