Heavily based on Paul Ashton's AllCoreCPUUsage , I added a higher degree of customization and a bit of eye candy... plus, of course, more types of meters.
Currently it can display:
- Cpu usage - all cores
Cpu frequency
- Real-time process monitoring
- RAM and Swap usage
- Network load (all interfaces)
- Hard Disk usage - all mounted
Please note: this is my first Python program

- Add more meter types... maybe
temperatures and syslog?
- Events, events, events

Feedback is welcome

Ratings & Comments
Since I'm using Ubuntu 10.10 there seems to be some kind of bug. Even if I use no transparency, the background behind the text is completely transparent and parts of the text, too. That makes the text unreadable :( In Ubuntu 10.04 it worked great. Here is a screenshot of the problem: http://img830.imageshack.us/img830/7653/screenshotwq.jpg
I'm using this to replace conky, but there are a few issues. First, the CPU graph (in graph mode) doesn't seem to scale. If i make the height something like 20, the graph itself doesn't seem to change. It's like i have to set the height to 100 or 150 or something in order to see the whole graph. Also, the processes graph isn't working. I just get blank bars with "0%" at the end. Finally, it would be nice if there was a way to unify the appearances. It's a pain to have to go through and change all the settings one by one in order to get a consistent look. Other than that, sweet screenlet. I'll see if i can solve the two bugs myself. I'll let you know.
Oh, i forgot...turning off the text shadow doesn't work, nor does setting the shadow opacity to 0. Instead, it's like the shadow becomes white rather than transparent.
probably my favourite screnlet to date :) i cant find anything to complain about except more types of meters which i see ur already planning to add :) try to keep low cpu usage in mind
Thank you :) I'd like to add temperatures/voltages next, but there is a problem with that: lmsensors gets too many sensors and/or wrong measures (especially for top and bottom limits), and i'd like to keep Infobox as much configuration-free as possible. Anyway, if you have any suggestion about what sensor you'd like to see next, it will be welcome :) Btw, it uses too much cpu for you? On my system it uses about 4%. I was thinking of caching background images, it should have a small memory footprint and increase eficiency.