eventCal (iCal event calendar)


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eventCal is a event calendar mod from 'eigenCal' which you will find under: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/eigenCal+-+Calendar+Screenlet?content=115976
- It will show events from any iCal file. Supported Calendars: Evolution, Sunbird, Google, Golem and more.
- It gives many possebilities for themes.
- Option to define for how many future days new events will be shown.
- Window will be automatic resized depending on the amount of events.
- Autohide option if no actual events are found.
- Shows age of person if category = 'birthday' or 'Geburtstag'
- Supports most needed calendar recurrence rules.
- Option to show event time in 12.hour clock.

Default location of the evolution ics file: /home/USERNAME/.evolution/calendar/local/system/calendar.ics

I'll be happy about any donation. Even if it is only 1$ ;-)
Last changelog:

V3.10 startup from 'eigenCal'
V3.11 add option 'auto hide on no events'. A point will indicate active hide.
V3.12 correction of calculating recurrence rule 'COUNT', add function recurrence rule 'BYDAY' (only for WEEKLY (e.g. every week MO & FR)
V3.13 Fixed bug with option 'future Days'
V3.14 Fixed bug with recurrence rule 'FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU'
V3.15 again: Fixed bug with recurrence rule 'FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=XX'
V3.20 add a lot of RRULES: BYSETPOS, BYDAY, BYMOTH, BYMONTHDAY for all types (daily, monthly, yearly). It should now cover 99,9% of all available event recurrence rules
V3.21 FIX recurrence rule 'daily, byday'
V3.22 add option to show event time in 12-hour clock
V3.23 Better readerbillity of event time: Removed leading zero & removed colon behind the last digit.
V3.25 add line break for event text. Exception dates are now taken into account.
V3.26 Fix for Evolution event text.
V3.27 Fix of missing digit in event time.
V3.28 Fix time format 12-hour clock
V3.29 Fix time format event at 0:15
V3.30 Fix for Evolution event text.
V3.31 weekdays aligned to the left. Fix reset of .ics file after PC suspend.
V3.32 Fix Problems if special characters are in use.
V3.33 Fix RRULE for evolution (;X-EVOLUTION-ENDDATE=20100616T070000Z)
V3.34 Fix recuring events at December. Implement function for leapyears (e.g.29.2.)
V3.35 Bad Version
V3.36 Fix time calculation when UTC is one day ahead/below local time.
V3.37 Fix problem with leap year.

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When I selected the google calendar ics for this it put a large stretched out google icon over the calendar. Is there any way to disable this?


Hi, I'm not sure if you did it correctly: As described earlier in my comments, you have to use the private ICS address of your Google-Calendar. You will find it the following way: - Log into your Google-Calendar. - Click on the Icon for settings and in the drop down menu you select again "settings". - select "calendar" for calendar settings - select your calendar - now you have to copy the link-address of the green icon (ICAL) of your "private" calendar address. - this link can be used for the eventCalScreenlet. Just paste it into "iCalendar ics path/file". I did the same. Please let me know if it works.


http://tinypic.com/r/zjxq51/6 Followed the directions and this is what I ended up with...


Hell.. I just changed the theme and it disappeared... I'm not too bright sometimes. Sorry for the bother.


this screenlet is fantastic, but want auto start when login. what's problem? I use 10.04.2 ubuntu. This is not the only screenlet that does not want to start when I login.


I've tried all of the screenlet calendars, and this one is the best - the other week, one of my work colleagues commented on how nice it looked. I'm a Google Calendar user relying on Thunderbird/Lighting - not keen on Evolution. But the other Google calendar screenlets are either very slow and don't work if I'm off-line. But a simple shell script solved that using a loop, sleep and wget to download the Google Calendar ics export. Now I have the best of both worlds :)


Would you mind sharing the script with us? :P I for instance would really find that very useful :3 Thanks :D


here goes - use at own risk.... :) Then point the screenlet to Google.ics file... I'm a Google App user, so the DAV path might be different... #!/bin/bash date > ~/.sync.log echo "Starting calendar sync . . ." >> ~/.sync.log while [ true ] do # Wait 5 mins date >> ~/.sync.log sleep 5m # Download latest Calendar date >> ~/.sync.log echo "Downloading calendar . . ." >> ~/.sync.log cd /home/<user>/Downloads rm index.html* wget --http-user=gmail_account --http-password=gmail_password https://www.google.com/calendar/dav/gmail_account/events/ >> ~/.sync.log mv index.html ~/Documents/Google.ics done


Umm... would it be alright to ask also how to install the script please? ^^;; Sorry, I'm still not sure how to install scripts as I might just mess up more (I'm still relatively new to Linux ^^;;) Thanks :)


For those that are interested in the script to work, I've asked sir wombat277 about how to install it if you are not a Google developer: There is a private url for your calendar. You should be able to find it by: 1. login into Google Calendar 2. Click on Settings -> Calendar Settings (top right corner) 3. Clicks on Calendars and then the link for your calendar. 3. Look for Private Address towards the bottom - the link you need is the one you get by clicking on the green ical button Save that Private Address link for now. Open gedit or any editor and copy enter the following: ------------ #!/bin/bash date > ~/.sync.log echo "Starting calendar sync . . ." >> ~/.sync.log while [ true ] do # Wait 5 mins date >> ~/.sync.log sleep 5m # Download latest Calendar date >> ~/.sync.log echo "Downloading calendar . . ." >> ~/.sync.log cd /home/<user>/Downloads rm index.html* wget <input the Private Address> >> ~/.sync.log mv index.html ~/Documents/Google.ics done ---------------- Now, you have to make it executable (at terminal, chmod 755 it), then put it in the startup applications (full path) so that it runs everytime you open the computer. (Of course, be sure that the the screenlet points to ~/Documents/Google.ics) Hope that helps and thanks again wombat277 - you're awesome 8Db


This is a great little widget but for some reason it seems to ignore Tuesday and put all of those entries into Wednesday. Unfortunately because of that, I can't rely on it. I love how you can select the amount of days ahead to show. Once the Tuesday bug is fixed it will be perfect.


Maybe you would be interested joining the project https://launchpad.net/indiv-screenlets with your code. There is some documentation on this as well as connected topics at http://www.screenlets.org/index.php/Documentation#Why_should_I_add_my_Screenlet_to_individual_Screenlets_project.


Show events doesn't work for me - any hints on how to debug it? (It's getting the events from my Evolution calendar and they're printed at stdout but the screenlet doesn't draw the events side)


Composite needs to be enabled. Problem solved


Same problem here, i'm using evolution too and composite is enabled. But it doesnt show any events. (The default ics 'works')


Hallo, did you use the correct path: /home/USERNAME/.evolution/calendar/local/system/calendar.ics ? Wolle


I have the same problem I've tried with the Evolution ics file, and my Google calendar (both off and online versions). Help


an easy way to debug the screenlet is to start it from the command line. python .screenlets/eventCal/eventCalScreenlet.py or python /usr/share/screenlets/eventCal/eventCalScreenlet.py :)


how would i go about configuring the .ics file so it displays my Google calendar information? Also, is it possible to sync this with Google Tasks instead of Google Calendar?


For Google calendar you only have to put link of your private google ics file. You will find this link inside the google calendar under settings. You could also sync the google calendar with opensync/multisync and open the file localy. The bennefit is that you do not need to stay online all the time. Eventcal is a 'event viewer' based on ics files. ics files are standardized files wich are build for events and NOT for tasks. best regards, Wolle


Ah, that makes sense. Thanks a lot!


Thanks indeed a million, I already made peace with only using unicode chars, but with this update I can use special ones too. Gratefulness.


Hi there, I just did something, and now, when I set the future days to 5-30 then it show this: http://kepfeltoltes.hu/100607/Screenshot-1_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png When I reset to less or equal 4 days, then it shows everything normal: http://kepfeltoltes.hu/100607/Screenshot_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png Thanks in advance.


I checked your Problem. It was because the calculation for line break was wrong if special characters are in use. I fixed it in V3.32.


This is a very useful screenlet. However, I would prefer the names of the weekdays aligned to the left, without indentation. I had a look at your code, but not knowing anything about python I didn't find an option in the code to change this...

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