eigenCal - Calendar Screenlet
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This screenlet is based on the screenlet "NowCalendar" by helder fraga a.k.a. whise, which you can find here: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=67186
Please feel free to use this screenlet as you want.
(There is a clone of this screenlet called eventCal: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/eventCal+(iCal+event+calendar)?content=122757)
v1.1 - fixed some issues with displaying events in new lines
v1.2 - reset of the standard look after installation (white text on black background)
v1.3 - day of month is now always displayed with 2 numbers (e.g. "02" instead of "2")
v2.0 - changes by wolle1: synchronisation with google calendar
v2.1 - works now perfectly with evolution, google calendar and thunderbird (thanks to wolle1)
v2.2 - fixed some startup issues and synchronisation with evolution etc.
v2.3 - fixed some issues with displaying the time of events
v2.4 - dates are now ordered by time
v2.5 - the dates will now refresh when a new day begins. fixed some spelling-issues
v3.0 - a lot of changes by wolle1:
- Bugfix to put Z - time of Google Calendar into account.
- Add variable size of screenlet height depending on the amount of events
- Changed function 'Toggle view events' to hide events and change the
size of the screenlet.
- Added rounded corners
- Events with category 'birthday' will show the age of the person
(calculated from event start year)
- Changed view of:
- ongoing events from yesterday: year-month-day ----> event
- one day event: year-month-day ****
event (age)
v3.01 - on date change the current date an the events are now updated. better computation of the variable window-size. added the menuitem: "future days"
- fixed: eigenCal crashes on Birthday
- fixed: repeating events are not shown (evolution)
- added 'Geburtstag' (birthday) for age calculation on categories
- rearranged some elements
- option to activate/deactivate the rounded corners
- better google calendar support
- fixed some minor issues
- Fixed bug with recurrence rule 'FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU'
- Fixed another bug with recurrence rule 'FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU'
add a lot of RRULES: BYSETPOS, BYDAY, BYMOTH, BYMONTHDAY for all types (daily, monthly, yearly). It should now cover 99,9% of all available event recurrence rules
FIX recurrence rule 'daily, byday'
FIX a bug with leap years
Ratings & Comments
Hello, nice screenlet but today is a special day: 29 february, leap year, and I think there is a bug. No calendar today with this error : Launching Screenlet from: /usr/share/screenlets/screenlets-pack-basic/eigenCal/eigenCalScreenlet.py Logging output goes to: $HOME/.config/Screenlets/eigenCalScreenlet.log Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/share/screenlets/screenlets-pack-basic/eigenCal/eigenCalScreenlet.py", line 16, in <module> class eigenCalScreenlet(screenlets.Screenlet): File "/usr/share/screenlets/screenlets-pack-basic/eigenCal/eigenCalScreenlet.py", line 41, in eigenCalScreenlet reader = ICalReader() File "/usr/share/screenlets/screenlets-pack-basic/eigenCal/iCal.py", line 82, in __init__ self.untildate = today.replace(year=today.year+1) ValueError: day is out of range for month Are you aware of this ?
thanks for your report. Wolle did a fix and I uploaded the new version!
this screenlet is fantastic, but want auto start when login. what's problem? I use 10.04.2 ubuntu. This is not the only screenlet that does not want to start when I login. Please help!!!
cool idea! that's a big improvement for google-calendar users. it's way more easy to use! but i'm not a python-developer (as stated above)... so i'm not the right one for your work. actually i'm a designer... so i'm sorry. but maybe wolle1 will help you - if he has enough free time :-)
Hi there! Inspired by your project, I'd like to say that I've started to work with a Calendar Screenlet project that will show multiple Google Calendars. No need for any ics-files, just enter your Google login name and password. It does also deal with recurring events. I would need a few friends willing to help develop the GCal Screenlet as a team. Please have a look at: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=125014
I found out today that if the .ics file contains repeated events on specified weekdays eigenCal won't start up at all. Here's an example of an ics file entry causing the problem: RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=TU The statement comes from a google calendar. For the moment I solved the problem by instructing eigenCal read from a local file that I create with the following command: wget http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/MY_EMAIL.com/private-SOME_NUMBER/basic.ics|grep -v RRULE basic.ics > mycalendar.ics By the way, I love the eigenCal screenlet. Keep up the good work!
I made a 'finger fault' by typing the weekdays. It's already fixed in V3.12 (soon available here).
i uploaded the bug fix :-) rock on!
Hi Lukas, I'm loving this Screenlet, but I'm still having one problem. Most times, it won't auto-start. I have to go into the Screenlets Manager and hit the "Restart All" button. I've tried deleting the config file in ~/.config/Screenlets/Eigencal and re-installing the Screenlet etc but still the same problem. Interestingly, I also get exactly the same problem with Wolle's "EventCal". I use lots of Screenlets, but these are the only two that don't auto-start. I'm still very grateful for all your hard work though - many thanks!!! :-)
Hallo, I never had this issue. Did you check the file /home/[USER]/.config/Screenlets/eigenCalScreenlet.log ?? Wolle
Hey, I made a mod of eigenCal. It's a littele bit smaller and has a different layout for the actual date. The name is: eventCal Wolle
nice work done wolle :-) direct link to eventCal: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/eventCal+(iCal+event+calendar)?content=122757 thanks a lot for your awesome work on eigenCal!
I'm pointing directly to the Google Calendar's online .ics file to get the calendar. Every event I make is being displayed 20 hours later. I am in the Pacific time zone (-08:00 GMT). ie: I make an event for 16:00 on Monday, it shows up as 12:00 on Tuesday in eigenCal. I have tried adjusting my computer's time zone as well as my Google settings. Anyone have ideas on what else I can try?
Hi, this depends on the timezone settings on Google. Unfortunately the eigenCal doesn't support any time zones yet. However, if you change the time zone on Google to GMT London, all events should be shown with the correct time. Wolle
One more thing which will work: You could sync the google calendar with opensync and open the file localy. The bennefit is that you do not need to stay online all the time. It will work I did that before. Wolle
Hey, I prepared a bugfix in V3.0 which will be soon available. Wolle
Hi guys. The best calendar I have found so far, thanks very much. Everything worked pretty much straight away! I don't seem to be able to change colour or anything but the transparency worked great & did the job. Thanks!
i tried it myself and wolle1 also. we can change the colors and the transparency...
My version also works flawlessly with Gcal and everything, except for changing themes. I'm running Ubuntu 9.10
Hey, the theme is just the calendar paper at the background. May you just didn't notice ? Wolle
Not sure why (as I can see Gmail ical url fine) but it absolutely won't run my google calendar at all. I get the day (today) but no events at all... Any ideas ( Ubuntu 9.10 karmic running gnome)
Please post me the section of one event: BEGIN:VEVENT ... ... END:VEVENT Wolle1
hey everybody! i uploaded new screenshots :-)
hello everybody! wolle1 did again some very effective bugfixing and now the screenlet should work like a charm :-) PLEASE uninstall any previous eigenCal-installation (via the screenlets-manager using the option "uninstall screenlet"). download version 2.2 and install it as usual. now everything should work fine - i tried it myself and it works.
Hi there, i tried it with the latest version 2.3 again: This time installation runs fine. The cal is visible - but again without a "Heute" or "Today" on the right hand side. No matter what bgcolor i set (transp./ or not). The area to the right of the separator is still left blank. Tried it also on the other machine (pure, fresh Karmic 9.10) with the same effects: Cal is displayed with today's date on the left, the separator in the middle and a blank right area. I can click a 100 times on "apply" in the Cal settings - iCalendar-Today title, the display doesnt change. I wonder what was different in the first version I tried. This must have been either version 1.3 or 2.0 i think. By using this version, the "Heute" (Today) was displayed on the right at least. Also, when setting the ICS path...nothing changes. Sad, it doesnt work for me. But the question is, why is the today title not displayed?? Anyone else noticed this also? I tried it also with (almost) every window manager etc.