Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
It shows time/date and day of week in digital format...
add coments, sugestions for improvement, report bugs...
note: If you want to vote bad, please let me know what you dont like so I can improve it... Last changelog:
add coments, sugestions for improvement, report bugs...
note: If you want to vote bad, please let me know what you dont like so I can improve it...
- fixed not starting issue
- fixed am/pm issue (00h is 12am, not 00am and 12h is 12pm)
complete changelog in downloaded package
Ratings & Comments
Im still simi-new to linux where would i install this in linux mint 14
I have been using this screenlet for years. When I suggest the screenlet to a friend just a few moments ago I noticed that there is no Properties dialog opening when clicking on the corresponding context menu entry. Could this be a bug or is it intended to be this way?
this screenlet should have properties option... maybee it's some problem with screenlets core
But i can't get it to work! I've installed it, sometimes it says it's running but i can't see it, sometimes it doesn't run at all. I had it working one time, but the numbers disappeared and it was just blank. Haven't been able to get it back. It's set to auto-start, and i'm using Ubuntu 11.10. Would love to get it working properly - any ideas? :-)
Try it now, i made typing error, it's fixed now :D
Excellent! Thanks for updating it. Still seems to be a couple of issues with it though; i can't drag and drop it somewhere on my desktop (and it isn't locked). And neither right-clicking then selecting Propereties or clicking on the Properties 'cog' seems to work either. When right-clicking on it, themes and sizing seem to work fine. Cheers :-)
I tried to move, open properties and it work's (Ubuntu 10.10)... I don't know what do you mean when you say "Properties 'cog' " I don't have 'cog' option. Do you use latest version of screenlets or something else (like universal-applets)
Hmm, that's a bit strange. I'm using Screenlets 0.1.6, on Ubuntu 11.10 (all updates have been applied). When you click on the screenlet, it changes to show the month & day, and in the top right corner of the screenlet, there is a little X to close/stop the screenlet, and a spiky circle, or cog, that you can click to get to the screenlet Properties. You can also right-click it and select Properties from the menu, but when you do this, nothing happens. I'll have a play around with it some more and see how i go. Thanks for the reply too.
I can email you a picture of the properties 'cog' if you want.
Looks like it was a known issue, but many other widgets on my desktop seem to be fine (http://askubuntu.com/questions/81184/cannot-move-screenlets-in-gnome-shell). I tried the last suggestion in that link above; selecting 'Widget' didn't work, but as soon as i also selected 'Sticky' i was able to move it!! So yeah, it's all sorted out now. I'm very happy, as it's a really great, slick looking widget. Thanks again for taking the time to reply to me and help out with this.
The download will not start at all... I really want this widget, please update link to working one! Thanks :)
I tryed it now, and it works... ps. remember to click on skip add when it's asked and it will redirect you to download. Thanks for interest, Nemanja
Hello, I downloaded the screenlet, unzipped it but didn't find any instructions to install it. I also skimmed the comments here and your web site, but no information :( Thanks.
first install screenlets package (example for ubuntu from terminal: sudo apt-get install screenlets) than you create folder called .screenlets in your home directory and copy folder you got when you extracted the package
Great clock...I can download the "old" version but my connection to the "new" version at www.njsoft.etc always times out. Are there any other locations to download your screenlet? Thanks a ton.
use this.. http://www.fileden.com/files/2007/8/23/1373806/download/DigitalClock.tar.gz don't know what is problem with njsoft.iz.rs... its working fine for me :S
The clock is great, but it is huuuge. And I cannot change the size to 50%, because then the fonts will be ugly (would need some antialias)
Would be great to have time zone support :) Or did I missed an option ? Thanks for this screenlet !
but whyyy :) why you need zone... set your system clock to zone you want and it will show it ;)
When you have friends/business overseas it's good to know what time is it over there without having to change your own system clock each time ;)
ok, it's not hard to implement, send me on PM how you think that should look like, so I can know what to make ;)
Your screenlet is great for me. Thanks for it! (voted good) Mine is not "Keep above" neither "Keep below" but when I start a new session it gets deconfigured so is "Keep above" and don't know how to keep it as I like.
it's not bug in digitalclock screenlet, it's bug in screenlet core. but you can "fix" it by yourself, just set options as you like, then go to ~/.config/screenlets/digitalClockscreenlet and set it's *.ini file to read only...
Very good job but, how do I install it? :S
install screenlets package first (for ubuntu: sudo apt-get install screenlets) then extract this archive and copy it to folder called ".screenlets" in your home directory