This is also my first submitted theme.
Here is the story. I like the looks of Vista's window borders, but I dont have a computer powerful enough to run Beryl or Compiz. I didnt care about transparencies or glowing stuff, I just wanted the close button to be big and easy to hit. Since every "Vista" theme for Metacity kept the buttons all the same size, I decided to try my hand at making it myself.
Here is my work. I call it Vokha (Vista+Lokha. haha...).
All I did was modify Lokha to stretch the buttons and make a few changes here and there. It still has 95% of the original Lokha code, but with some wider buttons. It also adapts with the GTK theme.
Enjoy, comment, vote!
Update: I've added a black theme and a blue theme that doesn't use GTK colors. if you want more colors, just comment! Also added a Green one, too!
*change max button when window is maximized
*no border when maximized
*something really cool (any ideas?)
feel free to give ideas!!!
Ratings & Comments
Cool Theme you have made I have Ubuntu 7.04 Festy Fawn And I am using Human Studio Theme But now I will Change it to Your Theme(Vokha) P.S.:I like only black themes so keep creating Black themes.Anyway could you give me your email so I can send some of my ubuntu pictures 159159159
its not actually a dark theme. it uses the GTK colors, so if you have a dark GTK theme, it becomes dark.
all I would change is the maximize button so that it changes to show whether the window is maximized or unmaximized.
i would love to, but i've never really messed with metacity before, so it might take some time. any (simple) tutorial links would be greatly appreciated.