New Wave - Chronos
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
"New Wave - Chronos" is a theme with a script to change the title bar according to time.
"New Wave - Chronos.tar.gz" like a normal theme.
"New Wave - Chronos.sh" add this script to "Startup Applications"
(Spanish) Más información e instrucciones detalladas en http://proyectobs.blogspot.com/2009/11/barras-de-titulo-metacity-dinamicas-con.html Last changelog:
"New Wave - Chronos.tar.gz" like a normal theme.
"New Wave - Chronos.sh" add this script to "Startup Applications"
(Spanish) Más información e instrucciones detalladas en http://proyectobs.blogspot.com/2009/11/barras-de-titulo-metacity-dinamicas-con.html
1.0 First beta version.
1.1 Fix few install theme's install error.
Ratings & Comments
sorry but in the newest Ubuntu help (12.04 LTS) the worlds "Startup Applications" do not matches any contents, could you give us a hand in identify where to add "New Wave - Chronos.sh"
I just read that script, it's amazingly simple. A loop that checks what the current hour is, an if case that copies a file over the current theme file depending on what hour it is, a command to "update" the current theme and a 1 hour sleep command at the end of the loop. Brilliant. I wanna make one too now!
Great job.
@cb2k I would like, update next weekend with GTK if I could find time to do it. @Sloshy Don't worry, you can be fan if you like it XD
accidentally voted this as "bad". I really like it! Using right now ^_^
Forgot to ask - Do you think you can do this with a gtk2.x theme?
I am unfortunately a KDE user, but when I saw of this idea on Ubuntu Geek I couldn't help but find it interesting. Dynamic themes are pretty much unexplored territory, so any effort on that field deserves praise!
Astounding work. How'd something as cool & ingenious as this not get noticed and voted more positively than this is beyond me.