Hammer and sickle
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ВНИМАНИЕ! Существует запрет на использование символа Серп и молот.
В Эстонии за публичное использование и тиражирование символов «оккупационных режимов», в том числе символа «серп и молот» предусмотрен штраф в размере около 1 тыс. евро. Для юридических лиц штраф составляет примерно 3,2 тыс. евро.
Также эмблема официально запрещена в Польше (2008), Венгрии (2010), Литве (2008), Словакии (2011) и Грузии (2011).
И при всём при этом эти же страны сами являются «оккупационными режимами» для Сербии, Ирака, Афганистана и Ливии. Может пора запрещать и их национальную символику тоже?
WARNING! Ban on the symbol.
An artistic rendering of the hammer and sickle.
The hammer and sickle remains a popular symbol amongst communists and certain other leftists worldwide. In Western Europe, there is little social stigma attached to the symbol and all Western European nations permit the symbol to be displayed publicly without consequence.
However, in several countries in Eastern Europe, the hammer and sickle is considered the symbol of a "totalitarian and criminal ideology," and the public display of the hammer and sickle and other communist symbols such as the Red Star is considered a criminal offence. Hungary, Lithuania and Poland have banned the symbol along with other communist symbols. Persons found guilty of possession, production or distribution of communist symbols may in Poland be sentenced to two years in prison. A similar law was considered in Estonia, but eventually failed in a parliamentary committee. The foreign ministers of Lithuania, Latvia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and the Czech Republic called for an EU-wide ban on communist symbols in 2010, urging the EU "to criminalize the approval, denial or belittling of communist crimes" and stating that "the denial of such crimes should be treated the same way as the denial of the Holocaust and must be banned by law".
In 2003, Hungarian politician Attila Vajnai was arrested, handcuffed and fined for wearing a red star on his lapel during a demonstration. He appealed his sentence to the European Court of Human Rights, which decided that the ban was a violation of the freedom of expression, calling the Hungarian ban "indiscriminate" and "too broad."
1. Hammer and sickle (red and gray - красные и серые)
2. Hammer and sickle red-red (only red for black framework - только красные для рамок чёрного цвета)
В Эстонии за публичное использование и тиражирование символов «оккупационных режимов», в том числе символа «серп и молот» предусмотрен штраф в размере около 1 тыс. евро. Для юридических лиц штраф составляет примерно 3,2 тыс. евро.
Также эмблема официально запрещена в Польше (2008), Венгрии (2010), Литве (2008), Словакии (2011) и Грузии (2011).
И при всём при этом эти же страны сами являются «оккупационными режимами» для Сербии, Ирака, Афганистана и Ливии. Может пора запрещать и их национальную символику тоже?
WARNING! Ban on the symbol.
An artistic rendering of the hammer and sickle.
The hammer and sickle remains a popular symbol amongst communists and certain other leftists worldwide. In Western Europe, there is little social stigma attached to the symbol and all Western European nations permit the symbol to be displayed publicly without consequence.
However, in several countries in Eastern Europe, the hammer and sickle is considered the symbol of a "totalitarian and criminal ideology," and the public display of the hammer and sickle and other communist symbols such as the Red Star is considered a criminal offence. Hungary, Lithuania and Poland have banned the symbol along with other communist symbols. Persons found guilty of possession, production or distribution of communist symbols may in Poland be sentenced to two years in prison. A similar law was considered in Estonia, but eventually failed in a parliamentary committee. The foreign ministers of Lithuania, Latvia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and the Czech Republic called for an EU-wide ban on communist symbols in 2010, urging the EU "to criminalize the approval, denial or belittling of communist crimes" and stating that "the denial of such crimes should be treated the same way as the denial of the Holocaust and must be banned by law".
In 2003, Hungarian politician Attila Vajnai was arrested, handcuffed and fined for wearing a red star on his lapel during a demonstration. He appealed his sentence to the European Court of Human Rights, which decided that the ban was a violation of the freedom of expression, calling the Hungarian ban "indiscriminate" and "too broad."
1. Hammer and sickle (red and gray - красные и серые)
2. Hammer and sickle red-red (only red for black framework - только красные для рамок чёрного цвета)
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Шрифт как на картинке Comic Sans MS размер 12. Font as the picture Comic Sans MS Size 12.
Good work man :)
Как минимум - нестандартно))