Any Color You Like
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
A minimalistic metacity theme that follows the gnome color settings.
I used the simple-slim theme as base. Last changelog:
I used the simple-slim theme as base.
-Package now include a version with arsen buttons.
-The pack now includes a borderless version.
-Initial release.
Ratings & Comments
Great theme, subtle and elegant. Voted good. Thanks.
Thanks for your comment, I am glad you like it.
Thanks! =D
The icons were great. This is brilliant!!! And amazing. Aside from custom colours (which are great!) you can select any GTK theme, and this window border will match it. Simply the best metacity theming idea I've ever run across. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Your welcome, I'm happy you like it. If you have any idea for improvements i am happy to hear them. This project have been at a standstill since I released it. Mostly due to the fact that I haven't found any bugs or ways to improve it..... Maybe I should give it a higher version number. =P
The only thing I can think of is to provide more options. For example, I personally would love it if I could have the buttons from the Arson metacity theme as an option. (I have no idea how much work it would be to produce those without an image file though.) I can't think of anything else at the moment--just, your main feature is customization, so that's probably where you want to focus further development. Wish we could see THIS as the default Ubuntu theme! The icons are maybe not quite easy-to-use enough for a first time user, but the gtk theme and window border are so simple--just set the colour scheme and it looks great... well, anyway. ;-) Enough of my grandiose ideas. Thanks for the great themes!
P.S. Borderless themes are tough to find . . . and they tend to be white like this one: http://kernel-script.deviantart.com/art/Borderless-Elegant-Brit-115588602 That would be an option I'd love. ;-)
No borders and the arsen icons are good ideas and easy to implement. I will try them out and see how it looks. The hard part would be to offer them as a choice for the user. As far as I can see there are two ways to do this. Either I release several packages for the different options, but this would become quite hard to managed if the number of options increased. Or I could do it with an external script like with my icons. However that would make this theme a lot harder to use, especially for inexperienced users. I will have to think about this. But for now I will try the arsen icons, no border idea and maybe release it in a different package if I like the result.
Sounds good. Hope it works out!
Um, so I can tell that this is an awesome theme to go with your icon set, but I actually don't know how to get this to follow my gnome color settings. My window borders always just show up as white. How can I change this?
Thanks for your comment. Here is a screenshot of where I change my border-colors in the color-settings for gnome. http://pici.se/431098/ I think it might depend on what gtk theme you use. Especially how it defines fg[insensetive] as that is the color used by the borders for this metacity theme. Using gnome-color-chooser might also create this problem. What gtk theme are you using? You could try another gtk theme and see if the problem still occur. If it does it's most likley a bug and I will look into fixing it. If it don't I am probably right about the gtk theme thing and redefining the border-color is an easy task.
This is a great theme man! Rated good! Thanks!