This script is intended for non-technical users to quickly watermark (annotate) images before publishing them on some online resource, i.e. online shop. It takes the annotation image, called 'stamp.png', located in $HOME/Pictures folder, and inserts it into bottom of all pictures images, selected in Nautilus. The resulting images are saved in their original folder with '_stamped' added to their names.
The script requires ImageMagick installed, as the whole idea is based on this tutorial
The script handles spaces in folder and file names, removes trailing spaces and executes 'composite' command to produce annotated pictures.
Installation: copy into $HOME/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts and make it executable.
Usage: select one or several image files in Nautilus, right-click -> Scripts -> WaterMarkImages
stamp.png preparation: you can either create it from text following suggestions from the above tutorial or make it with your favourite image editor, i.e. GIMP. The stamp image should have transparent background; its size depends on average dimensions of your published pictures.
For Xubuntu users (file manager - Thunar): change third line of the script to:
for file in "$@"
and set it as Custom Command for image files, like
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