GDM settings Nautilus scripts

Nautilus Scripts

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Simple nautilus scripts to configure your GDM.

Untar the files into your Nautilus script directory which depending on your gnome version might be:

1. ~/.gnome2/nautilus-scripts
2. ~/.nautilus/scripts

1. Configure GDM
2. Save GDM configuration

Please consider donations ($1) and/or comment if you like it or dislike it.

Bugs reports:
Hopefully there shouldn't be!

Tested on ARCH but other distro should work too!

Ratings & Comments



This works just fine! AND is well worth a donation !! Great work my friend ! Keep it up ! PISS on those who are destine to lose and want to take you (us) with them ! Losers will reply with an equally inept response ! slatherd with intemperance and lack of fortitude ! Yes I said Slatherd !!! Have a nice day !


Thanks Jonh! I now know he's not donating ;) Anyway for those who want to: I'll keep it up with other jobs when i've time to, i've just removed old works i felt were not so fine. so i'll keep updating! Something i'd like to add to this contest is: I'm not forcing anybody to gimme money, downloading is free indeed. So who does prefer to have GDM theming with 2 clicks away and no need to install any additional tool here you go! If you prefer doing it by command line yourself don't download it!PS. Great community!


If you want money for simple scripts go and write Windows shareware crap.


Relax... mate... i'm not asking for money? Are you paying any buck for this scripts? I just said that if you please you can... i'm stuck to arch, don't even name windows ;)


Well 2 simple commands will accomplish the same thing that you ask gullible people to consider donating to. sudo cp /usr/share/applications/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow logout. Change theme. login. sudo unlink /usr/share/gdm/autostart/LoginWindow/gnome-appearance-properties.desktop


And i made two nautilus-scripts for lazy people just like me who don't have the will to go away ;) Look i know that asking for money may sound nasty in a open source environment... especially when there are 2 commands on lines... but in life you never know... maybe some benevolant wouldnt get angry as you did! cheers ;)


I see YOU have not contributed a damn thing to our community ! so what if somebody asks for a donation ! at least they contribute ! and those that find it a worthy subject may donate ! Yea it can be done another way, thanks for your minimalist contribution ! but YOU Should GO AWAY ! Sit down and SHUT UP !.... and GROW UP ! Why do we not see any thing you have posted !? Why! Because it is non- existent t ! YOU have no right to say jack shit of what others have put work in to my friend ! unless you yourself have submitted a work subject to scrutiny !! Ye who is with out sin, cast the first stone !Your glass house shall be stoned ! Naked and COLD you will be ! Have a nice day !


Swwoooosh! Is it a plane it a bird... No! It's Johnny Ultimate ...displaying his extreme powers of self importance and use of the English language. ThWaaackKk!!!! ...and he's off again to his hidden Fortress in the Community. "Who was that masked man"? "Well, ...that was Johnny Ultimate, son."


The developer of this script has asked (ASKED) for donations. No one is forced to send a donation. Your infantile reaction to this is quite annoying to say the least. You cannot force anyone to stop asking or giving donations. Take your rude outbursts elsewhere. We have enough trolls as it is.

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version 1.0
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 2

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