It has happened in many they want are renamed, certain files in a file that contains very a lot of files. In a file with 50 files want are renamed the 1 10 and the 20, then will open the file with the files will search and rename with right clik what I want. I remained to me she appearred little boring the all process and for this I made the S.S.Re (simply smart renamer). What makes the S.S.Re? Therefore it takes all the names from the files that are found in the file where you run also you him it removes in editable info box, there you make her changes that you want him it is closed you answer yes in the question that will come out also all the files has been renamed. ATTENTION IN THE DENOMINATION IS ONLY CHANGED THE NAME DOES NOT CHANGE THE CONCLUSION. THAT IS TO SAY CHANGES BEFORE THE FULLSTOP. Only in a case we make changes afterwards the fullstops (conclusion) .If we have a file with name file.JPG and we want him to make file.jpg that is to say make the capital small. ONLY THEN WE CHANGE THE CONCLUSION. It will be supposed you have your zenity in system and naturally him you put in the right clik of Nautilus.
This is not a batch renaming script.
What this can be nice for is if say you have several files inside a folder that you want renamed (each renamed differently, thus not a batch renamer), you merely right click and select the script inside the folder, and then in the box that pops up change all of those files that you want to change the names.
It's function is to make it easier than right clicking a file, selecting 'rename', and then renaming, and then going on to another file, and doing the same procedure. If you have several names to change, that would become time consuming.
Of course, if you have a need to rename with a batch renamer the files, meaning all will be renamed with the same pattern in mind (such as (1), (2), (3)), then a batch renamer is your desire, not this. And there are plenty of those around. I prefer:
Anyway, nice script, troikas.
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This is not a batch renaming script. What this can be nice for is if say you have several files inside a folder that you want renamed (each renamed differently, thus not a batch renamer), you merely right click and select the script inside the folder, and then in the box that pops up change all of those files that you want to change the names. It's function is to make it easier than right clicking a file, selecting 'rename', and then renaming, and then going on to another file, and doing the same procedure. If you have several names to change, that would become time consuming. Of course, if you have a need to rename with a batch renamer the files, meaning all will be renamed with the same pattern in mind (such as (1), (2), (3)), then a batch renamer is your desire, not this. And there are plenty of those around. I prefer: Anyway, nice script, troikas.