Description: Only a test, based on the default GPL iTheme from gnomenu. Only for the first version, after I will do something closer to the level design from portal... (part of my full portal game theme)
Enjoy, comments appreciated.Last changelog:
news background, icons, and search field. some change in xml, and in pictures, I can use GPL license now Sources will come later
I will add a link to your GDM theme on the screenshot page, where I put links to each element of the theme. But in the last ubuntu (a lot of linux users are on ubuntu) gdm themes don't work, they need to put a picture with a script of with ubuntu tweak...
So I will try to find something witch work for everybody^^
Don't worry, its simply easier to customize the background, like a wallpaper... But I don't know why they changed this, and what is their plan for the connexion screen. But there is a reason, and If we are proud to be on Linux, it's because we evolve :p
Ratings & Comments
Thanks for your useful comments. If I don't speak English correctly, tell me! I am a French geek-web developer xD package up my portal gdm theme if you make a full theme pack or whatever :)
Thanks, I will add a link to your GDM theme on the screenshot page, where I put links to each element of the theme. But in the last ubuntu (a lot of linux users are on ubuntu) gdm themes don't work, they need to put a picture with a script of with ubuntu tweak... So I will try to find something witch work for everybody^^
Ouch, that's crazy. I use Sabayon myself (derivative of Gentoo). Surprising they would break something as simple as gdm skinning though.
Don't worry, its simply easier to customize the background, like a wallpaper... But I don't know why they changed this, and what is their plan for the connexion screen. But there is a reason, and If we are proud to be on Linux, it's because we evolve :p
It looks for new forms to improve