Prowler Menu
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
jameshardy88 has released a working gtk2 theme for this look:http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Prowler+for+Gnome?content=110035
Made several cosmetic fixes to the frame and background.
Fixed the search bar width
Made the glow effect of Power, Logout and Lock buttons more in line with actual theme (Thanks to jameshardy8
Menu has much cleaner, more professional look to it now.
Changed Icon set in Theme to from Azenis to Prowler Icon Set being worked on.
Replaced Power, Logout and Lock Icons on buttons with those in the Prowler Eye Icon set being worked on. Improves overall look.
Replaced Folder with Emblems to Icons due to visibility issues. Emblems were to small for some to see what they were. Using regular Icons improved visibility. (From user feedback on another menu design.)
Added Trash Icon for a GnoMenu2 series requested feature. Icon currently has no function other than to close GnoMenu at this time. Feature request is blueprint at Launchpad: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/gnomenu/+spec/trash
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
How do I install it?
You will find instructions for installation and configuration of GnoMenu here: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/HOW+TO+INSTALL+%22GNOMENU%22?content=108571 Or if you use Ubuntu use this source of Information: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/GnoMenu+Launchpad+Repository?content=109370
I prefer it over Vista's usual layout cause (I think) it integrates better and clearer all the options available at-a-glance. Congratulations!
Super Job dude!!! thx