JapUbuntu Usplash Theme
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Here's a cool Japanese Style Usplash for intrepid (do not try to install it on other versions, it won't work!).
This is based on "Debian thinking 1" gnome wallpaper by Dmindebian, which you may download here:
Screen Resolutions: Only widescreen resolutions, to avoid distorted image.
Install: Just install .deb package!
Hope you'll enjoy it! Last changelog:
This is based on "Debian thinking 1" gnome wallpaper by Dmindebian, which you may download here:
Screen Resolutions: Only widescreen resolutions, to avoid distorted image.
Install: Just install .deb package!
Hope you'll enjoy it!
New 'block' progressbar.
Now only for widescreen resolutions.
Ratings & Comments
How about a 64 bit package?
But that doesnt explain why i dont get anything at all, I dont care if its a lil distorted , but it seems as though most of the usplahes Ive tried dont work even the ones that are supposed to work on intrepid, besides when I set them to a widescreen resolution it should still display, but no, Ive only found 1 usplash that works besides the default. Simple line, but its really small and my sum is set up for 1024x768, if I change it to a smaller or bigger res it just screws up the boot screen, anyways I just thought id let you know that once again this one isnt working for me, I hope it works for others.
No, it's normal. I only put the 1440x900 image in the package and two others wide-screen ones i don't remember, which means that you won't even have a distorted image if you don't have a wide screen. Sorry for that ;-)
I installed the deb packadge and it shows up in the start up manager but it wont apply it , if Im doing some thing wrong a short tutorial would be helpfull, Im using intrepid so it should work right? Do I have to compile this or what?
Maybe you do not have widescreen resolution?
I think the loading bar seems lost in the middle of the picture. Otherwise it looks nice