It looked nice, but its Linux, so there must be a Linux Bootscreen similar like this.
And so finally, Ubuntu Natty was on my Computer, with that, an idea started in my head...
Instead the Lights, use Narwhals, and this is what came out.
Ive created an .deb Package for Easy Use...
Ive just modified the Ubuntu Sunrise .deb package, just tried it, and installation works.
But well, there is a warning, you can ignore it, Its my First .deb Package Ive created

So What Ive used was the "Vizta" Script from Charlie Brey's Plymouth Tutorial,the Narwhal .svg's from the Ubuntu Site and the famous Natty narwhal Wallpaper...
The Screenshot is taken from my Youtube Video, sudo plymouth --show-splash won't work actually

Yes there is the Youtube Link
What may happen is, when you have 640x480 Resolution, is that the Logo is not fully shown...
Please give me comments if you like it or have suggestions

Ratings & Comments
do you know how to remove it? i want the splash screen back to default
That's easy, just open up a terminal and paste this there inside sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth then choose the default theme, which is called ubuntu-logo . Type in the number and press ENTER: After that, do this here sudo update-initramfs -u -k all And you should have the old one :)
Awesome work man! I feel like installing natty just to have this plymouth. So bad my natty logs out unexpectedly many times. Tell me if you make a meerkat version ;)
For Meerkat? Maybe, But I Dont have an Idea. I would like to do it for Lynx,Meerkat and Ocelot, but they all can't swim like awesome narwhals. :D So Im looking for another Idea, do you have an suggestion?
Ah Now I understand, You don't need to install Natty Narwhal... The Theme works on every Ubuntu since 10.04 Lucid, so also on Meerkat :-) I've tried this Theme in Lucid Lynx, its fine :)
I know but I feel uncomfortable if strange animals are swimming on my bootscreen for no reasons :) I've just modified the theme so it can fit fot all ubuntu version after 10.04. Not so cool as the narwhal one but useable. If anyone likes it please make a .deb cos I'm a noob :D
Just take a Look at this Link :)
All is said in the title! Really the best plymouth theme ever seen ! May be a sort of countdown inserted would be nicer too! Installed ! Congratulations !
just installed this and must say its one of the better plymouth boot screens I've seen. You should submit this to the dev team for 11.10!
Thanks, But I think its senseless, 11.10 will be oneiric ocelot, so why put out a Narwhal as Bootscreen? :D But maybe We could do something with a Ocelot :)
Nice work :)