Spash screen based on:Moodin Splash Engine (by moodwrod) icons (by David Vignoni)"Think Linux" Tun n' Tosh Wallpaper (by Bandar Hassan Raffa) INSTRUCTIONS--------------------To install Tux n' Tosh Splash for Gnome (install only for your user):1) Open terminal session2) Move to the folder contains file "TuxToshSplash-Gnome.png" 3) Create a folder to store splash image]# mkdir ~/.gnome2/share/splash/4) Copy splash image file in previous created folder]# cp -r ./TuxToshSplash-Gnome.png ~/.gnome2/share/splash/5) Select Tux n' Tosh as actived splash screen for your Gnome session:(Warning: don't copy and paste command, you must change PATH_TO_YOUR_HOME string with your home's path, for ex: /home/tommaso)]# gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image "/PATH_TO_YOUR_HOME/.gnome2/share/splash/TuxToshSplash-Gnome.png"6) Activate the splash screen:]# gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/gnome-session/options/show_splash_screen trueIf you want simplify installation process you can use gnome-splashscreen-manager.Enjoy your new splash!
Ratings & Comments
1 Comment
Nice! Looks good on my screen. Thanks.