Heliocentric - Usplash Karmic & Jaunty
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Heliocentric usplash by Spox5
Tested on Intrepid Ibex!
This is a Usplash theme created from the "Heliocentric" wallpaper by PsyrixDesign.
Supported resolutions:
Simply install StartUp-Manager and select Heliocentric.so.
If You doesn't work, read next text:
- Install some build utilities
1.) sudo apt-get install cdbs debhelper dpkg-dev fakeroot devscripts autotools-dev
2.) sudo apt-get install libusplash-dev
- Install the build dependencies for the usplash stuff
3.) sudo apt-get build-dep usplash-theme-ubuntu
- Get the source code - I'd base it on the Heliocentric.
4.) Copy file Heliocentric.so to /usr/lib/usplash.
5.) sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/Heliocentric.so 10
6.) sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u
- If You choose another resolution, You must edit file:
7.) sudo gedit /etc/usplash.conf
# Usplash configuration file
xres= "your X-resolution"
yres= "your Y-resolution"
- Test it witch:
8.)sudo usplash -c
Good luck! Last changelog:
Tested on Intrepid Ibex!
This is a Usplash theme created from the "Heliocentric" wallpaper by PsyrixDesign.
Supported resolutions:
Simply install StartUp-Manager and select Heliocentric.so.
If You doesn't work, read next text:
- Install some build utilities
1.) sudo apt-get install cdbs debhelper dpkg-dev fakeroot devscripts autotools-dev
2.) sudo apt-get install libusplash-dev
- Install the build dependencies for the usplash stuff
3.) sudo apt-get build-dep usplash-theme-ubuntu
- Get the source code - I'd base it on the Heliocentric.
4.) Copy file Heliocentric.so to /usr/lib/usplash.
5.) sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so usplash-artwork.so /usr/lib/usplash/Heliocentric.so 10
6.) sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u
- If You choose another resolution, You must edit file:
7.) sudo gedit /etc/usplash.conf
# Usplash configuration file
xres= "your X-resolution"
yres= "your Y-resolution"
- Test it witch:
8.)sudo usplash -c
Good luck!
0.2 Added source
Ratings & Comments
Do you tried to compile from source?
I use the two way in order to instal this usplash, and he never work ! Instalation with start-up manager dont work, i see only text on boot On manual installation i see text too ... He looks greats but he dont works on Ubuntu 9.04 kernel . Sry for the bad english !
Sorry, it's not working for me. I installed it, and when I try the commmand it shows something that resembles the old tv test screens with the indian in the middle.
What operating system you have? Ubuntu 8.10, 9.04 etc. At 9.04 I was the same as you usplash.
Sorry, forgot to mention the OS. It's Ubuntu 9.10. Resolution set at 1680x1050. Didn't try compiling it though, I will later on.
Try to compile from source.
In 9.10, GDM and Usplash are being replaced by XSplash. While technically it still uses Usplash at first, and the splashes do indeed have a .so extension and are found in the same folder as before, none of those will work (at least none of my old ones do). So, any splashes that work for earlier versions like 9.04 will not work for 9.10. I have even seen bozos misleading the masses by stating their usplashes are for Jaunty/Karmic. Hopefully people will start adding Ubuntu versions to the titles of their uploaded splashes to make it clearer if it will work in 9.10.
Hahaha! Ooops! Seems this is in fact one of those that claim to be for 9.04 and 9.10, hahaha! Sorry, no offence meant to anyone, but SERIOUSLY, do your homework before making bold claims!
Whoa, I really made a big typo there. Didn't realize it until now. It's not a matter of doing my homework, it's more a matter of paying attention to what I'm typing.