Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Tested with Intrepid,Jaunty and Karmic
created by TheeMahn The creator of Ultimate Edition and polished by red_team 316 , simplified by me.
TUM 1.04 Install Instructions:
Simplified! Only three steps to get started!
- Copy and save this page for future reference.
- Download the .tar.gz at the bottom of this page.
- Please read all before starting.
- Hint: you can copy and paste the commands (without the "=>")
- open the tar.gz2 place both tar files on your desktop
- Open a terminal (if you don't know how to open a terminal STOP NOW !)
- and type (or copy and past without the "=>")
=> sudo apt-get install libusplash-dev libbogl-dev libc6-dev make gcc
- Close terminal after completion
- go to Home> (click "View" in tool bar, then click "show hidden files") go to .gnome2>nautilus scripts and open
- now, double click make Usplash 1.04.tar.gz on your desktop and open
- drag that file into nautilus scripts and close the windows
- open your home folder Places>home right click on the window "create folder"
name it TUM and open it
- now drag the TUM-DATA.tar.gz from your desktop into the TUM folder and close the windows
- NOW make a custom Usplash
- I have worked with this application and I'm just going to tell you how I do it,right or wrong it works for me.
- find a wallpaper you like, something not to crazy as the usplash is limited, to 256 colors @ 8 bit and a 1024X768 resolution works best
- put the wallpaper you want to have as a usplash on your desktop,
- Right click, go to scripts and click on make usplash 1.04
- some prep box's will come up click OK on the first on the 2nd make sure all resolutions are checked click OK, you should see some folders and such on your desktop and the usplash maker box's popping up with the different resolutions, after usplash is complete a .so file should be on your desktop.
- Open startup-manager >system>startup-manager click manage usplash themes
- Click "add" a new window will open click >file system>home>username>desktop double click your .so file it will now be in your startup manager,close the little box, click usplash theme bar and choose your new usplash,and close startup manager
- let it finish
- now test your new usplash
- Open a terminal and type (or copy and past with out the "=>")
=> sudo usplash -c
- If all goes as planed your new usplash should appear
- To get back to your desktop press super or windoze key(the key between ctrl and alt) and F7 so, super+F7
- you can now save or delete .so and make usplash files and save (if you already haven't) your wallpaper pic.
NOTE: The usplashs that you make will only work on rigs with the same architecture (see rev.1 @ the bottom)
NOTE: You should be able to "drag" the files into there folder without root permissions, how ever in the event the system won't let you do this;
- in a terminal type or copy and past with out the "=>"
=> gksudo nautilus
- This will open a new "root" window and then just follow the above instructions,remember that command if your having permission problems it's a great help!
you can place the progress bar any where you want! to better accommodate your picture
- Open your TUM folder
- Open the TUM.tar.gz
- Open the workinprogress folder
- Open the usplash-theme-ubuntu.c
- Scroll down till you find the resolution you use
- example: is 1024X768 - XXXXXX is by the values you change
struct usplash_theme usplash_theme_1024_768 = {
.version = THEME_VERSION,
.next = &usplash_theme_1280_1024,
.ratio = USPLASH_4_3,
/* Background and font */
.pixmap = &pixmap_usplash_1024_768,
.font = &font_helvB10,
/* Palette indexes */
.background = 0,
.progressbar_background = 7,
.progressbar_foreground = 50,
.text_background = 0,
.text_foreground = 100,
.text_success = 100,
.text_failure = 120,
/* Progress bar position and size in pixels */
XXXXXX .progressbar_x = 675, /* 1024/2 - 216/2 */
XXXXXX .progressbar_y = 15,
.progressbar_width = 230,
.progressbar_height = 15,
/* Functions */
.init = t_init,
.clear_progressbar = t_clear_progressbar_1024_768,
.draw_progressbar = t_draw_progressbar_1024_768,
.animate_step = t_animate_step_1024_768,
- The progress bar_X and_Y values after the "=" change the placement of the throbber _X = 675 and _y = 15 puts the throbber at the upper right side,this is one of my settings and is the default of the TUM usplash maker I have provided this is for a 1024X768 resolution and the following is also for a 1024X768 resolution,if you use another resolution you will have to experiment a little. The original throbber is slightly lower than middle,in the center of the screen (didn't like it!)it gets in the way! so now i will give you some of the settings that I use! AGAIN these are for a 1024X768 res.
- _X is left or right 800 is farthest right and 40 is the farthest left that I have gone and these put it close to ether edge
- so _X high #s move right lower #s move left
- _Y is up or down 650 is the lowest I have gone and 15 the highest
- So the higher the #s the lower the throbber
- the lower the #s the throbber goes up
- Try these
- _X @ 400 and _Y @ 350 puts the throbber in about the middle of the screen
- _X @ 400 and _Y @ 650 puts the throbber at bottom middle
- _X @ 400 and _Y @ 15 puts the throbber at top middle
- _X @ 800 and _Y @ 15 puts the throbber at top right
- _X @ 40 and _Y @ 15 puts the throbber top left
- If you use another resolution you will have to experiment with the the values
- After making any changes click save and close the windows
- It is best to write down your settings and where the throbber is placed for future reference
- Again these are settings I use on a 1024X768 resolution
- go ahead and experiment with the placement
- Open the "TUM" folder in your "home" folder>open "TUM-DATA">open "usplash">click "throbber_fore.png"
-This should open a picture viewer,right click on throbber image>open with "gimp"
- With gimp open>"FILE">"NEW"-create new image 216 X 8 > OK
- A new image will come up in a new window
- Click on a color "tool" (air brush,bucket fill)- click the top box - (middle -bottom)foreground color,choose a color you want , and paint NEW IMAGE when done,>FILE>SAVE AS>
"throbber_fore" >select file type (by extension) "png" "SAVE TO DESKTOP">"SAVE"
- You can now close gimp
- Back to TUM-DATA with the two "throbber" png's
- Top of window "ADD FILES">desktop>your new throbber_fore.png>Add
- Now your new "THROBBER" is now installed in TUM 1.04,you can close all windows and repeat the above instructions,to try out your new throbber.
- >> NOTE: I have only used the default color pallet in gimp, and used many different colors in the throbber, and it worked well,I don't think you can use other "fancy" gradients;I don't know ,I haven't try'd,but as time allows I will update.but go ahead and experiment with the default colors.
- >> NOTE: To test the new throbber you have to reboot, as sudo usplash -c will only show the new usplash and placement of the throbber with out the throbber color.
- >> NOTE: Isn't it nice to have a new throbber!?
(I just couldn't resist!:))
NOTE: The original instructions and files can be found @ http://forumubuntusoftware.info/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=1767&start=0
Thanks red_team316 !
(I have modified this by removing the dialogue box and moving the throbber if you have to down load the above link files you will have a black dialogue box in your usplash, to remove dialogue box; you have to open the TUM data.tar.gz,open workinprogress folder,open usplash-theme-ubuntu.c. scroll down till you see "text box and text details" left click and drag (I do it from bottom to top) to just below "progress bar_height" and delete,be sure to leave a space between "progress_bar and */functions" do this for all resolutions , and hit save , and the next time you use usplash maker 1.04 the box will be gone!)
Updated intro, and added red_team316's corrections (original author of TUM)
A correction: Usplash can support up to 256 colors(8-bit). Windows XP and previous versions use 16 colors(4-bit). Can't remember atm but I think GRUB is limited to 4-bit colors.
A correction: Usplashes are transferable to other rigs assuming that the architecture(x86 vs x86_64) is the same as well as the version of Usplash is installed(Dapper v1, Edgy-Hardy v2, Intrepid+ v3) is the same.
A correction: The throbber can colors be changed(via GIMP or another image prog), but you'll want to keep the image sizes the same or else I'm positive you'll end up with something you didn't intend. TUM will do the proper palleting for you, but it wont necessarily do the fine tuning of individual pixel colors. If you use 8-bit palette d images to start with that all use the same color palette for each image, you will know exactly what your usplash will look like in the final composition.
update: put in how to change throbber color
Tested Karmic-OK
Ratings & Comments
sorry, i should make it more clear..i can't complete the following "Open startup-manager >system>startup-manager click manage usplash themes" as i don't have that tab
this is great, but i've run into a HUGE wall. i've installed startupmanager, but it's doesnt show the Appearance tab. anyway to get around this? btw, i'm using Meerkat
Perhaps after the 1st of the year I can re-write TUM, how about a PUM? We can do plymouth ;) Usplash is almost non-existent, does it mean I should take that away? What do you think I should call it? Surely not PUM.
how to get the black label?
Hi.. I tried the first part (before the TUM part) and it successfully created an .so file.. The problem is, my screen resolution is 1280x800.. I tried to edit the Make Usplash script, added 1280x800 resolution, but then the script didn't create any .so file.. Could you help me? Thanks in advance.. ^^
Great Script, I'm going to upload my own usplash as soon as I get more acquainted with usplash!
Hey thanks ! I am glad you like it ! looking forward to your new usplash posts ! I am sure you will do well !!!
Hi, install ok script ok add .so with starupmanager ok but when run $sudo usplash -c display message segmentation fault My splash does not work Can you helpme. Thanks
Hi did you open the terminal and do sudo apt-get install libusplash-dev libbogl-dev libc6-dev make gcc also try going to synaptic and install xnest I will try to search for a better fix also how many have you try d to make ? try a couple different ones and see if works.
I applied the instructions, including xnest, but I still delivers the same Error. Thanks
Heya, thanks to my hugely annoying vista partition im planning on doing a complete system re-install, id really like to be able to keep some of the custom usplash themes i made and wondered where the installed themes are stored, Thanks, James
Hello jameshardy88 ! (one of my favorite theme-r's) Glad to be of service,Your usplash .so files are stored in computer > filesystem > usr > lib > usplash.
I've got an Acer 4530 running Jaunty (9.04). I've followed the steps exactly, but it doesn't work. I even tried editing the initial image to 256bit, indexed and saving it, but it still refuses to work. Furthermore, I edited the script to create 300x200, 400x300, 600x500 sizes also since the main ubuntu usplash has only these sizes for my laptop. But it still didn't work. I don't think it's a problem with your script. None of the usplash files I've tried worked. I guess it's something wrong with my laptop on ubuntu. I think I'll give up now.
Hi,sorry to here you can't get TUM working,but if you can tell me about what TUM is doing maybe I can help,it should work no matter the machine,this is the same program TheeMahn, (Guru of Ultimate Edition),uses to make and test his usplashs for his distro.and if you have a current usplash that works TUM usplashs should be applicable ;I would be more than happy to try and help.
Thanks so much for the offer, really appreciate it. But there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with the script. It seems to work absolutely fine. It's generating the .so file. But the theme doesn't work. I've tried other themes also (downloaded .so file directly), but none of them work. The only one that works is the default Ubuntu theme. I'm having the same problem as the people on this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1142840
Actually, I take that back. I just tried out one other method suggested on the 2nd page of the thread i.e., downloading the source and running make. It works now! Although I really don't know why. Atleast the ones he linked to.
I finally got around to giving this ago and although i had a few very minor problems it came out flawlessly. I was just wondering how i would go about creating a preview picture of what the USplash looks like so that i could upload it onto here? Thanks again to you and TheeMahn for this awesome piece of work =)
Hi I'm glad you got it working! and may I say I am a big fan of your work! Ok to to take a screen shot,after you make your usplash,and have it installed, in terminal type sudo usplash -c then open gimp,>file >create>screenshot in that window mark take a shot of a single window uncheck all other box's set timer and take your shot or you can use the stock "take a screen shot" app. or If you have it "shutter" you will get the same basic results,try them and see witch one you like best.also If you post your usplash's be sure to include what architecture 32 or 64 bit and what release 8.10 9.04 ect.as they may not work on other releases see the change log that red_team 316 provided hope this helps, and keep up the great work!
ah i c, unfortunately it was this bit that i had the minor problem with =( basically when i ran "sudo usplash -c" it would come up fine however trying to exit that preview screen caused my system to crash and need a hard-reboot =(
Super+F7 caused you to crash? I will look into It for other options. or cause!
Ok, I found some cryptic sh($ about keyboard mapping,check and make sure you keyboard is mapped to U.S., and also try going into your X shell first, to exit,viewing usplash,super+F1, and then,to exit that,super+F7, dunno, if it will work or not,I will keep looking, let me know what you come up with,and I will do the same!
i finally got to try it and it seems to work fine and then when it's done there is no .so file on my desktop. ???
Ok did you start TUM with the picture you want to use, from your desktop?, is there a "makefile" on your desktop? for some reason TUM dosn't like to make usplash's in folders,works best out in the open,if there is a "make file" than you have TUM installed wrong,you must go back thru and check your install,"make usplash"- untared- and placed in scripts-- TUM tar.gz - NOT UNTARED -place whole tar.gz in TUM folder in your home folder,re-run terminal command line from instructions and try it again,let me know WUZ UP! :)
i put the untarred "make usplash" in the nautilus scripts thing, and put the TUM.tar.gz in a new folder in my home directory called TUM. i ran the command and all the stuff is installed. when i run the script (right-clicking on the picture on my desktop) the window comes up saying it will make a usplash there and i hit "ok". the window comes up saying "what resolutions..." i have them all checked off and hit "ok". then some folders and files appear on meh desktop and disappear in a few seconds. thats it. no makefile.
Ok, so I take it that TUM runs very fast;like it is just spiting out windows that close right away,then all folders,disappear,tum doesn't like the picture,if you have compiled one of your own images,with layers,the image must be flattened, in gimp, >image>flatten image; and indexed to 256 colors >image>mode>index>256>optimum pallet>normal dithering try saving image as a .png and change the name of it,use small case and numbers,just for the hell of it try another couple of different images,if TUM is doing what you say, than it is working it just isn't happy with the image or images you are using, I have had this happen to me, and just had to experiment with different things,keep trying,it will work