Usplash BlackChrome
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
this usplash is an adaptation of the Wallpaper BlackChrome. Author: silence07 Licence :GPL
It seemed to me ideal to adapt it to the usplah theeme
The format is an .so usplash in Ubuntu/kubuntu
This uspash work with:
1024x768 (4:3)
1024x576 (16:9)
800x600 (4:3)
For easy install use:
StartUp Manager:
sorry for my bad english
Albacete/Spain. Last changelog:
It seemed to me ideal to adapt it to the usplah theeme
The format is an .so usplash in Ubuntu/kubuntu
This uspash work with:
1024x768 (4:3)
1024x576 (16:9)
800x600 (4:3)
For easy install use:
StartUp Manager:
sorry for my bad english
- The resolution for 1024x576 was not the correct. I modificated.
- Change color for bar progress back
- I have added to the theme the phrase of ubuntu "linux for human beings"
the same theme and two flavor
- Added source to create o modify this theme
- added link to original wallpaper
- added 64 bits version (no text)
Ratings & Comments
Unfortunately the links are not available, you can fix?
not really...i'm using Jaunty and have installed startup manager and installed your chrome.so theme but nothing shows up on start up. What i'm I doing wrong?
not really...i'm using Jaunty and have installed startup manager and installed your chrome.so theme but nothing shows up om start up. What i'm I doing wrong?
Upgrade it to work for Ubuntu 9.10, this splash theme rocks!
Hola!!! te escribo porque no puedo instalarlo ya probe con todas las resolucines y no pude, estoy haciendo algo mal??? que numero de bits necesito??? De antemano gracias por la respuesta :D
Hey, I noticed that the questions as to how to install were not answered...they usually aren't! This website should have pages for installing the different media such as wallpapers, splash screens, themes, etc. More and more people are switching to linux, and that transition is much easier if you have a little help along the way. So, for all you who haven't yet figured out the how-to (found this by trial and error...I'm still kind of a rookie myself): First, extract the archive you downloaded by either opening it and then clicking "Extract", or right-click on the file and click "Extract Here". System --> Administration --> StartUp-Manager --> Appearance --> Manage usplash themes... --> Add then browse to where you extracted the .so file to (you may have to click on the Home folder to get to your Desktop or Documents), press enter, and then close. You should be done!
These are very good directions. However, this particular package has a problem with it. This particular Usplash does not install properly. I have successfully installed other Usplashes that work great. This one needs to be rebuilt and tested.
I was not able to install this .so file. I had no problem installing a related package found here: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Usplash+BlackChrome+colorized?content=75091 Could someone explain the difference between the two? Is there an error in this Usplash?
I tried doing it manually also but its still showing just a cursor in place of usplash screen
this is great dude but... how can i install it??? i´m new on linux :)
I downloaded the wallpaper yesterday and came to look for a good dark usplash theme, and I find this!! Let's see if I can find a matching GDM theme also :D
The Black Chrome GDM theme http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Ubuntu+BlackChrome?content=66902
Looks very good on my computer, however my screen is setup to 1920x1200 res so it looks quite small for boot up, any ideas how to strech the Usplash to 1920x1200? thanks
u cannot stretch it but u can change the resolution of the usplash screen with the StartUp-manager so it suites your usplash picture best.
how do u load this in Gnome ubuntu... can i juss install it with my Gnome splashscreen manager..
how do you load this splash screen in gnome?
siplemente perfecto, lo mejor que he visto sin lugar a dudas. ¿Has pensado en hacer o has hecho algún GDM Theme a juego? ¿Podrías dejar el source del Splash sin el texto también? Muchas gracias y enohrabuena... ----------------------------- Simply perfect, without doubt the best I've seen ¿Have you thought in making or have you already made a matching GDM Theme? ¿Could you also make available the Splash source without the text? Thank you ever so much and congratulations
Superior Quality and all looks just awsome. Since everything is black and white at bootup, this theme fits it. Makes my OS look like some exotic thing at start up. Now to look for my gdm and splash screen that will fit this look!
It only works when it's shutting down but not on boot up, did I do something wrong? How should I install it?
This is very nice and elegant. Keep up your great work.
not sure how it will work with my 1200x800 resolution...any ideas? Will it get just stretched like the "regular" ubuntu usplach does? Thx!!
Soooo...i tried it on my 1200x800 and it actually looks GOOD - alright it's that well measured and elegant as the "supported" resolutions but it gets stretched just the way my previous usplash did :-))) It's there and so far I can't think of a reason for it not to stay on my lappy! Thanks for the great job!!!!
I will try to add the resolution of you PC. 1200 x 800
This upsplash is wonderful : ) I was just wondering if you could make one with just the ubuntu logo at the center (with no "ubuntu" text) ? Thanks again : )
I would love to see version with clean black background. By the way, could you provide a link to the source files of this theme? GPL-licence obligates to publish source and at the moment there is only binary downloads available.