Ubuntu Usplash Smooth

Usplash Themes

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This is the original Ubuntu Usplash for Intrepid Ibex with an exciting twist!

Now the progress bar is time-based!

What does it means?

The original Ubuntu Usplash progress bar didn't tell you much information.
It moves in small/huge increments, and sometimes stands still for a few seconds.

This Ubuntu Usplash Smooth does it different!

It remembers the time of your previous boot/shutdown, and will smoothly increase the bar according to this time. Since the boot/shutdown times change very little, you will get a very precise bar with a very smooth animation showing exactly how much time is left!

Check it for yourself!

Modesty aside(!), this is how the usplash progress bar should have been done from the beginning!

Easily packaged in a DEB file, you just have to install it, and boot your computer a couple times. The first boot/shutdown will be quite off the mark, of course, since the Usplash Ubuntu Smooth still don't know how much time it will take to complete. But from the second boot/shutdown onwards, you will simply fall in love!

If you hate it for any reason... just uninstall it, and your system will return to the original configuration.



Now you can also get these packages via Ubuntu PPA:

Please vote for this idea to be included in Jaunty in Ubuntu Brainstorm:

Last changelog:

Version 0.4:

This is the version you all have been waiting for!

"¢ Now the progressbar will freeze while ubuntu is performing a filesystem check.
And the status progress will be displayed in text below!

"¢ Usplash-smooth now saves the correct boot time even if a filesystem check happens!
No more wrong boot times in the next boot.

"¢ Fix the problem with the start of the animation during boot, that only appeared after the second block of the bar.
Now the animation is smooth since the beginning.

"¢ Improved the package scripts, installation and description.

"¢ Added the function time_elapsed() in libusplash-smooth, to give even more tools for theme creators to perform smooth animations.
Theme creators, version 0.5 will be dedicated for you.
Be prepared to create a smooth version of your theme!


"¢ The usplash themes for kubuntu, xubuntu and edubuntu will be released in the next version.

"¢ Support for freezing the progressbar during user input is still missing.
This will require a few modifications in usplash source code to be done properly.
I'll submit some patches upstream, and ship a patched usplash for Intrepid bundled in a future version.

Please, use it a lot!
And report bugs here, or in the forums!
Version 0.4 packages for Jaunty Alpha 1 will be created soon.


Ratings & Comments



This is dead. Launchpad help or archive on this usplash dead. 10.04 uses plymouth, impossible to change over. I have emailed the creator...no reply. Too bad. Best ubuntu usplash was original 8.10. I could care less whether it was "smooth." ubuntu can really suck sometimes when they remove "favorites" from distro to distro. Even Gnome sucks for removing orange window border-Human Clearlooks.


I really loved this splash screen, but it stopped to work. Now with Ubuntu 9.10, they changed the default splash screen for a fugly thing. I wish I could use this one instead! its the rockiest thing ever and they should make it the official splash!


I really appreciate a jaunty version, please


Looks awesome, but it's not working in my hardy machine. The screen goes blank with no usplash screen. Do you have any idea about how to fix this?




This was my favorite Splash screen but now is not working with Ubuntu 9.04


Can you adapt it for Jaunty Jackalope, please? This is the best idea for a splash screen I have ever seen!!!


can it be used for jaunty?


Your great job is compatible with others usplash themes?


I really appreciate this package. Can we have one for jaunty ? Thank you very much


hi folks this splash screen looks great but i can't experience it. I install it on my system but its not working. I am using Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon). Is that the issue behind this problem. you people having any suggestions on it. thanx in advance XFN


Love this usplash too! But would it be possible to release a version for widescreen displays as on my Samsung NC10 with 1024*600 pixels? The usual usplashes are all stretched horizontally.


Love Usplash-Smooth! Adds plenty to the overall look and, hell I say it, smoothness of the bootup process. :-) Could you provide a 640x480 resolution theme so it can be used on netbooks?


I love this!!! Though, could you please add 16:10 resolutions? My screen is 1440x900 and i would love to see it proper size!


I have 1680x1050, edited grub to boot into this and looks good for my but it can bee sharper /i have small screen for this resolution /15,4"//


Hi It's really a great idea to add this function. After installing this,I reboot for about 5 times,I found that it shows accurately in boot time,but it's too slow in reboot. Do I miss some settings?


I am so sorry for my poor english. I mean the bar it's too slow when i reboot or shutdown the system. It run about one third and then the screen is black(ready to reboot or shutdown)


I've noticed this too. It goes too slow on reboot or shutdown.


Great work! Got my vote. :))


Thank you a lot!


Can you make one for kubuntu? :)


Sure! It is already created and will be released with version 0.5 real soon now! Just keep watching here and you will be surprised!!


I have installed your usplash and I am so awesome with this, is it better to used the background screen as brown-human color that ubuntu used instead of black color ? How do you think mate ? Thank you


Hahaha, I used to hate that brown usplash! Well, usplash-smooth will primarily focus on the current official themes, but you can always create you old-style retro brown usplash if you want! It's really easy and version 0.5 will come with a nice documentation making things even easier! Just watch out!


Very cool dude. You should make a few that have a different color scheme. I would love to have this in a black and red theme.

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version 0.4
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 1

Other Usplash Themes:

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Usplash ubuntuclub 1.0
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Usplash is a software project in the Ubuntu community. Historically, scrolling text "verbose mode" has typically appeared on Linux computers during boot. Usplash replaces the scrolling-text screens with a graphical splash screen. Wikipedia