All in all I did leave the time @ bottom right (useful).
This Requires (hopefully itta work without it)
Font: Lucidia Bright
Oh and also updated copyright info. , etc.. adding myself and year 2008.

The original Can be found here: http://art.gnome.org/themes/gdm_greeter/1365
Ratings & Comments
thankyou this awesome :D
Tux lives in the Arctic, not somewhere-you-know-where, near Seattle. This is not really its place. If you really wanted to make a joke of it, try to make a stupid grey box funny :) And BTW, greyish UI doesn't attract anybody, except some old-fashionned enthusiasts. We are in 2008, time for color, ban grey 128 and uniformity ! *I think I always say the same, but in different ways lol*
This is funny man!!! voted up for great sense of humor! ;-D //Robert