icons are not mine, credits to their desingers
extracted from...
GnomeXP by unrealmp3
Microsoft XP PNG Icons uploaded by Biogaucho
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Please, update link!
pleeeaasseeeee... upload it again... now megaupload is gonee!!! D: ^_^' :3
done link updated =D
File Not found. Please update link.
Nice job, but there's already finished OS with same theme: http://www.ylmf.org/en/ ;)
ohh yeah Ive seen it before, there was several icons lost, gonna check this pack again, thanks
You only have the icons for download. What theme are you using? I've looked all over the site and can't find a theme that has the same dark blue panel as your screenshot.
Good job, itś very nice.
hey thanks for your comment and support, I'll update the icon theme as regular as I can :)
I just noticed your location bar. How do you get it on the same line as the navigation bar?
this trick was available for Ubuntu Jaunty, I don't know if this still working on Karmic but the link with the manual is this one: http://ociolinux.blogspot.com/2009/08/mejorando-el-aspecto-de-nautilus.html
Don't really understand the language of the guide. :-)
sorry hehe my bad :p there you go on english http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fociolinux.blogspot.com%2F2009%2F08%2Fmejorando-el-aspecto-de-nautilus.html&sl=es&tl=en&swap=1
the icon theme works perfectly I don't know why you say this is bad? maybe you should say "I don't like it"
uh... why is it bad? I mean.. it may not quite look like Windows XP... but that doesn't mean that you have to post a comment "BAD"... I mean can't you say anything else? O.o joking.. joking. But couldn't you have at least posted why it is bad?
this icon theme was made from 2 themes GnomeXP http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/GnomeXP?content=69587 and the second one uploaded by Biogaucho http://my.skynetmod.info/iconos-y-cursores/microsoft-xp-png-icons.html anyway I'm going to change to propietary license
These icons are indeed copyrighted by Microsoft. If I were you, I'd change them slightly or build your own set inspired by the original. Ripping out XP's icons and repackaging them for Gnome violates the copyright.
...Are you sure you have the right to relewase these icons under GPL?
plz tell me wich kinda license is more appropiate for this icon theme, I don't want to do things wrong, thanks in advance
changed to the server you suggested, I hope this works ;)
Cool, thanks man.
http://www.2shared.com/ Thanks for responding
Could you find a less sucky hosting website? The current one keeps accusing me of downloading too many files at once when I haven't even downloaded anything...