Gnominus SVG

Full Icon Themes

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After months of work, and weeks of tests, this icon sets is finally finished, and released as highly stable and complete (1246 different icons, tested for 2 weeks)

I will never share it in here, but only for Fedora users on a very personal website. If you wonder why, look at This is no longer a website for Gnome users, it's a website for Ubuntu users only, because of all Ubuntu spamers and because of the very bad work of the admins.

So, as ubuntu users are a lot, they can make their own icon sets. I let them do, but as I hate spamers, I will NEVER share it with them.


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3 That was rude, claiming that all Ubuntu users are spammers! I'm a Ubuntu user, but I hate spam as much as you do. I'm sure if you tried a little harder, you could alienate even more of this site's users. SMH...


Beside that, his musical tastes sucks. Every time you find someone who defines his tastes as “Everything except”, you can bet he's lying. He doesn't listen to throat singing, or to shoegaze, or to bluegrass music, or to free Jazz, or to jungle. The most likely, for a French guy saying he likes “everything except rap, hip hop, zouk, R&B, raggae, etc...”, is that he listen only to some mainstream rock band, or to some more-or-less underground metal band. And maybe a few so-called Oï bands composed of brainless boneheads if he is racist. Kind of sad.


This theme doesn't exist. It's just a fake. I know it for sure, because even the Linux übermenschen can't find it : Since even Archers, the true elite of Linux users, can't find it, it means it's not real. Because no silly Fedora user could ever fool an Archer. Face it, we pwnz you even more than you pwnz Ubuntueros. Well, funny distro-bashing put apart, my icon theme, Buuf, should work on every distribution out there, but I only test it on ArchLinux ('cause that's my main distro) and Ubuntu ('cause I started with Ubuntu, and I keep it as a fallback system in case I break something on Arch, works faster than a LiveCD to do some chroot magic). I would just love it if someone could test it on SuSE, Mandriva or Fedora, and tell me about any distro-specific icon that would be missing. And my theme is real ! Not just some silly preview image with no actual content ! By the way, the best method to get rid of Ubuntu-specific useless junk is to vote them down, to create much bettre content and look at the best rated, or most downloaded content only.


i have your theme and reposted in on the web


share here.


suse - it's ubuntu's respin? Or it's just for fedora's users? or you think that just 2 distros are in the world? Why i can`t download this pack? Your pack is very nice, but conditions of it's distribution is so anti-social...


I kind of agree with him, there really is too much ubuntu related "art" in here. I don't want us Fedora users to seem elitist, but the massive amount of ubuntustuff has gotten on my nerves more than once.



... So, as ubuntu users are a lot, they can make their own icon sets. I let them do, but as I hate spamers, I will NEVER share it with them. ...


Have fun with your secret icon theme. Are girls also not allowed to use it?


It seems like you're making a big deal out of something you're never going to be able to control. The numbers are against you I'm afraid. There will always be more contributions from users of the most popular distros running Gnome. And what licence are you releasing the icons under? What's to stop someone making a few tweaks and posting a copy up here or are you gonna lock them down? Don't worry about the Ubuntu users, I'm sure they don't mean you any harm. Many are probably just enthusiastic newbs posting what they can to try and give back to this community, like I did when I first got into using this site. There's no harm in that, surely? I'm sure that if you would have just released the icon set like anyone else (if it exists) and left a polite message to Ubuntu users, you would have got through to more of them.


i dont want to argue with you ,for it is not attractive enough .even if you share the icon set with ubuntu users i wont use it.


That's a complete lie. You wouldn't be commenting on this if you wouldn't have.


no ,as a KDE user i certainly would not use it .someone told me about this funny guy,which is why i clicked this for the icons,i dont like grey folders.


Radiance has been removed, now is called Variance - not that it makes a difference. =========== The music industry, is not what it used to be... Ethics are not what it used to be... ...and the list can go one, with many example "infinite more important then this"... What it use to be?! It use to be part of a minority, now it's part of a majority - Gnome being on top of the list. With popularity, you get all kinds of people... like some that learn do great things and some that are satisfied with less yet still think is "something". This is the curse of popularity - same was with Windows and OS X, other examples that are more significant... yet in many ways the OS's are incomparably way better then before, the communities (especially those from Mac) are "what they are" - to put it more elegant. ========== Yet quality stands out and that is valid even for But just like good music, where you need a trained ear, even here - only those with a trained mind and eye for art can see it, yet sometimes even others... As for the author of that template. Yes, he has the right to restrict his work, select a specific group and so on... didn't object about that, but against his egocentric attitude. All he proved so far, is that he's worst then those he hates... Something pretty common among haters, their hates reflecting what they are...


What's the problem with this guy? He don't want to share with people that spam him every day, and I understand him even if I use ubuntu and even if i'd love to use his icon theme. Dont be mad at him, be mad at ubuntu user that spam gnome-look with ubuntu art every day. And I'm french too, and very very very proud to be. Is it a problem for you..?


You wrote a bunch of unnecessary crap. Even you said it, it takes a good eye to recognize art. If you think Ubuntu has any kind of artistic value then your one of the those that don't have that good eye. Just because you can't have something more good looking than your crappy default theme doesn't mean you have to rip on the OP. Again, he has the right to release his own work to who ever he wants. It seems like you need to stop hating...


Helooo "STUPE" - read my post again and again... and again, maybe the 90'th time you'll understand the obvious, like the fact that I wasn't referring to Ubuntu (there's not even one word related to it in the post you quoted). Those that are satisfied with default theme from their Distribution - don't look for alternatives... but being so stupe you didn't even get that. If I was using Ubuntu defaults styles - I wouldn't be here - yet I can't believe, I had to sink to your level... and I wouldn't be surprised if you're just a clone of OP, that egocentric prick that comes here with 6 icons and flames all users here, thinking so importantly of him and his opinions when in reality he's just a joke (same as those defending him - which could be still him, with a clone account). So NO, i'm not one those that had some expectorations from him and his crapy items. There are many alternative "REAL ALTERNATIVES", some that showed some creativity and have nothing to do with Ubuntu or those idiotic OSX clones... If there is a set of icons that looks promising from to come, that would be: The Last Amazing Grays [preview] ..and guess what? - he's an Ubuntu user, yet he made some decent modifications which lead to a new decent set of icons... good for ANY DISTRIBUTIONS (SINCE THEY DON'T COME WITH UBUNTU LOGO ON THEM - AND HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON WITH UBUNTU DEFAULT ITEMS). Then there's other styles and icons from Ubuntu users, like Equinox GTK Engine and Hydroxigen - which again, can be used with ANY DISTRO BASED ON GNOME - they're actually missing Ubuntu specific icons like "ubuntu software center". Don't care about those themes that are not worth mentioning - that's why I GET TO CHOSE! Saying Gnome-Look is just for Ubuntu that's like saying DeviantART is just for Windows... just cause they have more themes based on those distribution. WHICH IS PRETTY OBVIOUS BASED ON THEIR POPULARITY... You can't expect to see more result from a distribution with thousands of users then from one with millions. THAT"S JUST STUPID.

uncholowapo isn't what it used to be. Ever since Ubuntu came out with the Radiance theme, people have been posting supposed "mods" and other crappy edits of it that just kill the influence of the starting page. He has the right to restrict his own work to a select group that actually has the talent to create something of their own instead of spam a site with horribly made themes and "mods." That theme should be shot down and buried. In general, the ubuntu community has taken over with it's ugly artwork. Go spam your forums instead.


He's French, that explains part of his attitude. Most French I knew where to proud to learn English... so I'm surprise he does.. Not really opened people, so don't know what their doing on external forums... especially on those meant for everyone, as in open communities. Can't say they're all like that, but this one sure is. Most of them or so egocentric, that they even troll other countries live on TV, so it's not really a surprise they troll elsewhere as well... ==== You can keep your icons, there are plenty good icons here (like Simple, elementary, hydroxygen and so on...). I just entered here by browsing the icon section, checked yours - seen that their fake and also seen you attitude so I lived an appropriate comment.


For all the particle accelerator at CERN ..... People already going crazy .....


Ah,the drama!


This icon theme is non-existing. As you can see in the screenshot there are only 2 basic types of icons , terminal and folder , each one slightly adjusted. Now if I made a killer icon theme consisting of 1246 icons I would at least show-off a little more. Until I don't see any other screenshot I consider this a very pathtic attempt at trolling.


the presentation is old, but I can assure that the theme is complete. More that 100 people use this theme now :)


Frustration comes in sizes and shapes... You Sir, are a disgrace to the Linux/GNU community. By the way, congrats on the French results in South-Africa. Now you got a real reason to hate Ubuntu. :P


Actually I hate football so i'm SO GLAD that they lost... :D

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version 1.0
downloads 24h 0
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An Icon Theme should have a valid .theme file among its files and aim to be complete for desktop use under Gnome or KDE Plasma.

If it contains only a single icon or a small set of icons, please use the Icon Sub-Sets or Single Icon/Logo categories instead.