Glass of water
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:budgiecinnamondeepinelementarygnomekdelxdelxqtmatexfce
Description:Used icon Oxygen Team, Human-O2 by schollidesign, MAC OS X by balasakthi, OSX BY N00bun2, Faenza by Matthieu James, OSX-Nostalgie & Ubudao Style by Walenty Walewski, Potenza by AlessandroBo, oxyTablets by gardmo, KotenZA by pawanyadav, Buttonized by technoshaun.
The themes icons covers 99% of not proprietary software from lubuntu software center.
Download Glass of water https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RYNf6nhjp7ezwLo-kxqhmzIOQhOUy2KB/
V. 1.7
Added 5000 icons
Ratings & Comments
Bonjour, Merci pour ce magnifique pack d’icônes, juste une précision pour l'installation, penser à changer les permissions des fichiers sh, thèmes et csv, comme cela les icônes s'affichent dans tous les dossiers et sous-dossiers.
Please share name of themes and borders used in screenshots. Is it compatiable with cinnamon and Linux Mint 17.3? Thanks for your answer.
Первый скриншот это новый Наутилус или Немо (я уже не помню что именно). Второй скриншот это МАТЕ. Третий скриншот это Unity поверх МАТЕ. У меня старый компьютер и современные сборки не загружаются. Иногда их можно весьма криво запустить командой из МАТЕ (типа gnome-shell --replace). На последнем скриншоте Unity запущено из МАТЕ. Да эта тема иконок подходит для cinnamon и Linux Mint 17.3. И вообще для любых дистрибутивов Линукс. The first screenshot is a new Nautilus or Nemo (I do not remember what exactly). The second screenshot is Mateo. The third screenshot is Unity over the MATE. I have an old computer and modern assembly is not loaded. They can be very crooked run command from MATE (such as gnome-shell --replace). On the last screenshot Unity launched from the MATE. Yes, this theme icons for cinnamon and Linux Mint 17.3. And for all Linux distributions.
Pretty interesting icon theme. Different and strange idea. And it's very complete. Would be nice to see variations like "glass of wine" etc.
Haha, that looks so funny ^-^
I really like it :)