Mono Icons for any Icon theme
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
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Description:This is python script for Ubuntu user its make new icon theme contain any Icon theme in your system with Mono Icons for Panel.
Tested in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
To use you should Make it executable , click with left mouse button on mono file then click on properties then go to permission tap and choose Allow executing file as program then run mono file and click run in Terminal Button.
or in Terminal run these Commands
chmod +x mono
after running you will go in The following steps :-
1-Type the name of new icon theme.
2-choose Mono Dark or Mono Light.
3-generate list of all icon themes in your system.
4-then Type the name of icon theme which you want mono panel icons for it.
5-go to Appearance and click customize button then choose icons tap and you will find new icon theme with whatever name you put in first step.
-add:try again for wrong input.
Ratings & Comments
hi, i like this theme. and i am trying to install it. but when i try to install it.. i get an error. Traceback (most recent call last): File "./mono", line 84, in <module> mk() File "./mono", line 74, in mk indext = open('%s/.icons/%s/index.theme'%(home,name_of_new_icon_theme),'r' ) IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/kapil/.icons/monoNew1/index.theme' I am a noob, please tell me what am i doing wrong.. thanks in advance.
It worked brilliantly without any issues thx alot bro W'salaam ~ Peace
Hi, your project is very similar to the one I've developed, Eclip-X (though your is quite at the beginning), if you want we can share some points and join the projects. Alex
Grande, semplice e geniale
Really nice, you rock!
This is a very nice tool, especially for older icon themes :) It rocks and you rock.