Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
-- CURSOR --
-- 0.1 --
initial release.
-- 0.2 --
new icons and many improvements.
-- 0.2.5 --
some improvements.
-- 0.3 --
new icons.
-- 0.4 --
new apps icons.
new mimetypes icons.
new places icons.
some improvements.
-- 0.5 --
various icons was added.
animated "process-working" icon added.
-- 0.5.1 --
broken links was fixed.
-- 0.5.3 --
new app icons, new emblems
-- 0.6 --
added various status icons
weather icons
deluge icon
-- 0.7 --
new actions icons was added
added device icons
Ratings & Comments
10 Thank you! Just love this theme!
10 10 the best Just what I needed to help spice up my desktop haiku style!
9 +Simply PERFECT! I've been using these for many YEARS and they never get old. :-) However, I had to create a symlink from "org.gnome.Nautilus.svg" to the existing "scalable/apps/nautilus.svg" for the Files app to appear correctly under GNOME 3.
9 Nice look
Saw it on pup (trusty?) and been looking for it for a while. Great set. Thanks man.
There is an invalid space on file name "scalable/apps/sound-juicer .svg". It should be "scalable/apps/sound-juicer.svg". If you plan to update this, please consider fix it. It's a great theme. Thanks a lot.
I like you icon more tha the others in Warp/Avispa that is in gnome for default If you continue you icons, you can make Firefox/Iceweasel, Thunderbird/Icedove, Chromium/Gogle Chrome, Root Terminal, Rhythmbox, Gnash, Mplayer/Gnome player, OpenOffice.org/LibreOffice, Gwiber Giver, Sistem profile and brenchmark, disk utility, science icon, evince/PDF readers/ Adobe Reader, gdmflexiserver, gnome-session-properties, seahorse, Tracker/Deskbar, are the only icons that i see that no have theyrs isometrric-looked-like-Haiku icons you can??
.tgz will show GZ .txz is a package format used be Zenwalk and SalixOS and other Slackware based distros. Can you please make a "Art", "Camera", "Development", "Games" etc. (see GNOME-Brave) and yeah... Awesome Icons, thank you.
Ok, i will do it, you need to wait.
Thank you very much :D and, I'll wait... Clipboard: () Parcellite (gtk-paste) < http://parcellite.sourceforge.net/ > works also in the systray :) xfce4-clipman (xfce4-clipman-plugin) < http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-clipman-plugin > File-managing: (File Roller exists) catfish (catfish) < http://twotoasts.de/index.php?/pages/catfish_summary.html > Squeeze (?) < http://squeeze.xfce.org/ > Xarchiver (?) < http://xarchiver.sourceforge.net/ > Graphics: (Eog, F-Spot and Gimp exist) mtPaint (mtpaint) < http://mtpaint.sf.net/ > (should be exactly like Gimp) Viewnior (viewnior) < http://xsisqox.github.com/Viewnior/ > Interwebz: (Epiphany, Evolution and Pidgin exist) aMule (amule) < http://www.amule.org/ > Claws Mail (claws-mail) < http://www.claws-mail.org/ > (special icon is appreciated) Liferea (liferea) < http://liferea.sf.net/ > Midori (midori) < http://twotoasts.de/index.php?/pages/midori_summary.html > (special icon is appreciated - like Opera (opera.svg) but a green surfboard) Psi (psi) < http://psi-im.org/ > Mathematics: (kcalc exists) galculator (galculator) < http://galculator.sf.net/ > Media players: (Totem exists) Exaile (exaile) < http://exaile.org/ > Parole (parole) < http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/applications/parole > Whaawm! (whaawmp) < http://home.gna.org/whaawmp/ > Notes: (Tomboy exists) xfce4-notes (xfce4-notes-plugin) < http://goodies.xfce.org/projects/panel-plugins/xfce4-notes-plugin > Xpad (xpad) < http://mterry.name/xpad/ > Skype-like (but safer) Linphone (?) < http://www.linphone.org/ > Ekiga (?) < https://www.ekiga.net/ > more Blueman (blueman) < http://blueman-project.org/ > Gslapt Package Manager (gslapt) < http://software.jaos.org/#gslapt > - it also has a systray update notifier but I don't know which icon "name" it uses (note: it displays the same image) Osmo (osmo) < http://clayo.org/osmo/ > OpenOffice.org ... Terminal (Terminal) ... Wicd (wicd-gtk) < http://wicd.sf.net/ > And please make one more document icon for those who really do not like adobe (I don't have even Macromedia/Adobe .swf player installed) http://www.theregister.co.uk/2001/07/19/boycott_adobe_campaign_launches/ http://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.boycottadobe.com/
ZevenOS also includes a Haiku Icon Theme. http://www.2shared.com/file/9483315/6c13a75a/Haiku-Iconstar.html more on: http://www.zevenos.com
I already saw it. my version is better.
Yes, very nice, voted good. It seem to have issues with Gwibber 2.0. Screenshot here: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v55/Barmunk/Kpernykp-Gwibber.png
very good, thanks.
... sorry if i'm wrong but Haiku ressources tend to be more BSD licence oriented than GPL : is the licence OK ? Nice port anyway ;)
MIT not BSD, a can fork it in GPL, like was with wine(BSD->GPL).
MIT not BSD, a can fork it in GPL, like was with wine(BSD->GPL).