Bee cells
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:budgiecinnamondeepinelementarygnomekdelxdelxqtmatexfce
Description:Modification of the old version Dalisha Icon Theme by EepSetiawan and others.
Download Bee cells - https://yadi.sk/d/AZiAhz_OgjGZV
After switching on the download page click on the button to download. The Preview button is not working because it is a archive.
Ver. 1.5
Fix bug.
Ratings & Comments
Really great icon theme! Thank you! There's just one icon that doesn't show up, the battery icon in my notification area. I'm using mate-power-manager. So, gpm-primary-charged should normally work... however it doesn't.
more details: The icon in charged state is displayed in my notification area but it is the gnome icon. When the battery is discharging or charging (below 100%), the right icons theme is displayed. Only charged state isn't working
Found the missing icon name! It is: gpm-battery-charged So I did a relative link in every size "status" folders: ln -sr gpm-primary-charged.png gpm-battery-charged.png
There are icons to 256x256.
You can delete the folder 256x256. Then theme icons will be exactly twice less.
Basically the subject... Why is it 178 MB even compressed ?
This is great, thank you!!!