Neon Icon By Rock
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
14-03-08 host page changed
18-03-08 gmetalik ver.05
© 2025 - Eyecandy for your XFCE-Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
I love the look of your theme! But I have to give it a 4/5 because there are some issues with index.theme... You didn't specify the size for everything so it causes some issues when the system calls some icons. For some icons, the wrong size gets called. So for example when using gnome-system-monitor, the column that shows an icon for the processes has mixed icon sizes. I still use the icon set because i love the look, but i hope you fix the errors and re-release it.
very nice look and easy install under Ubuntu Gnome. Great job, thanks!!!!!
I updated my system with a more technical look and the Buuf set didn't look right anymore. This is a great replacement, and fits right in with my new theme. Very nice work.
Too much spam for download a single theme!
one of the most individual iconsets i ever seen. although i prefer more minimalistic icons, i like them really much. keep up your great work man!
If someone is using the Polish page (too bad it wasn't polished tho) to download the icons pack, wait for 45 secondes (as stated above), and find this at the bottom of the page : "Kliknij, aby pobrać plik na swój komputer" Cygoku
The English link does not contain the needed file. It only downloads to my PC some 2.5Mb binary which looks too much like a MS-Win virus... The Polish page works fine.
but there are way too much details on the small icons, so they are blending into some illegible mess, sorry
How in earth can I download this theme. I get to the Polish page and thats it?
sorry. now it's English page (first link).
awesome work!
Can't it be hosted on a more ad-less server? Cygoku
gmetalik04-icons.tar.gz is too big (4.4MB) to place him at