Oxygen-Refit 2 - Black Version
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:His wonderful iconset feature blue icons, like KDE style.
This package features 100% black icons, with some light modifications of the original icons.
All these icons are released under LGPL3.
This project is not in development anymore
Updated iconset to version 2.0
- Now with 100% pure black icons
- New icon resolutions [128x128, 96x96, 72x72, 64x64, 48x48, 32x32, 24x24, 22x22 and 16x16]
Ratings & Comments
Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/?u7ck3xudxim FTP: http://www.force-crusaders.org/ftp/grafika/ikony/zbieranina/wrzut-20080922/OxygenRefit2-black-version/ Softpedia: http://linux.softpedia.com/get/Desktop-Environment/Icons/Oxygen-Refit-2-Black-Version-39612.shtml Wuala: http://content.wuala.com/contents/Moff/Public/Linux/iconpacks/OxygenRefit2-black-version.tar.bz2?dl=1&lang=en GoogleCode: http://code.google.com/p/lyricsdownloader/downloads/detail?name=OxygenRefit2-black-version1.tar.bz2&can=4&q=OxygenRefit2
hey guy that link still downloads only png icons no biggie..if not available then I am just out of luck :) coz
File can be found here: http://www.archmirror.de/aur/OxygenRefit2-black-version-2.0.tar.bz2
Hey guy, real nice sets of icons, but scalable icons are generally svg format. I was hoping you could upload the svg files for these as well. i try to stay away from anything but svg icons. thanks coz
Err.... Could you do the same in other colours? Ehmm... Pink perhaps??
Looking good.But Megaupload cant reacable. Please give onather link
The link workd fine, for those that didn't notice you have to enter some letters and click Download. Free users will have to wait a bit.. :/ Thnx, great work.
madupload fails everytime add a dupe like you did for the white/green/red Or provide an entirely different link. Linux = Free :) not add ware :) Madupload or whatever blows
or Megaupload wth ever, sry for the mispell
Tested the link.. it does work.
I created an account just to say this is one of the best mod-works I have seen here in gnome-look. It's very complete, awesomely beautiful, and works perfectly! Congratulations for all your colored Oxygen icon sets!
Many thanks for your feedback :)
I voted bad because it's terrible looking. Folder a are ugly and Mac-like, Firefox is for Children, the Info-Duck is not for Linux, Menu-Icons aren't clear and a Chaos so I don't know for what this Icons are, Emblems are ugly, Devices are ugly... the mouse and gamepad for example, Save-Icon is bad and the arrow for turn-off is a bad idea. For be the best looking Icon-Set for Linux is a lot of work necessary. The best is that it's finished!
this theme is the most accurate I ever tryed. It changed nearly every icon in my system, excellent work!
I will be grateful if u upload it in other link.. (zshare for example) :)
i agree! please upload it anywhere else, i've been trying for 2 days to download the tarball but megaupload takes too long and the connection fails! i want that icon set! :D
I give up. THat megaupload thing sucks.
great set man! danke! :)
Thank you too for your feedback :)
"Fast Download" link is broken. I got a 404 Not Found page.
Needed more space on my FTP... so I replaced the fast download link with a megaupload one. Hope that worked for you. See ya!
Excellent work, super sharp and well done friend, this is certainly content that stands far out from most else on this site... great job!!!
Thanks :)
Great theme, but why the purple disk image?
I think it's more realistic. If you prefer the blue one, grab it from the official Oxygen-Refit iconset by Chrispy.