area o.42 SVG icon theme
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This is a SVG-Icon Theme inspired by heylove's areao.42-Icons. I tried to contact here to ask if i can use her icons but she didnt answer so i think its ok. otherwise i will remove this entry immediatly of course. i also used aMADme's ALLGREY-Icons in addition.
I created a lot of missing Icons and added a white frame to nearly all Icons so they can be seen on dark background. Now they can be used with the ELEGANT BRIT-GTK-theme. I also tried to match colours with the ELEGANT BRIT-Theme.
Since this was more work then i ever thought i think i will stop working on them for now. there are still some icons missing a white frame. perhaps i will fix this one day but feel free to do so and contact me so i can update the package.
Im totally new to this Icon-Theme-thing so if you find some errors feel free to tell me so i can fix it.
all the credits shall go to heylove (check her contents on deviantart.com, shes amazing!), aMADme (thanks, mate) and fmrbpensador (hell-of-a-nick) who createt the ELEGANT BRIT GTK-Style.
Ratings & Comments
9 9 excellent
I second the motion to revamp this. Can someone update this and make it work with Gnome 3?
Needs lots of revamping. Doesn't replace any of my folder icons any more.
great with elegant brit gtk2 theme. very good work, thanks!
Sadly there are so many missing icons and I don't know which fallback icon theme would fit to this look. So please suggest one or add more icons :-D
This is a fantastic set of icons. Please continue your excellent work!
please continue this beautiful icon pack
This is the look I have been yearning for. Elegant Brit + icons that are beautiful and 2D. Gives a truly distinct feel to Gnome. Please please continue, particularly with the application icons. Would that I had the skills to help you continue.
Icons look really nice, but how do you install them. Sorry im new.
open tar.bz2 file to /home/yourusername/.icons after that, System>Preferences>Appearence in this window select the theme tab. then select new icon-theme. thats all
Hi, i have ubuntu and i tryied your beatiful icons, lots of them works good but some of them as hard disk device icon /usb on my desktop and in "places" was changed for icons from default ubuntu icon set... plz any idea where the problem is? i tryied to change names of those icons and i used name from icon thene that worked well. But the package become useless and unreadable. Sry for my english:) thx bye
Just wanted to say thanks for this beautiful set, its amazing. But I do have a minor problem though, in FF3, the Folder Icon for bookmarks is the ugly grey Gnome-Original. Does somebody have an idea how to fix that?
I love this theme, but there are still a lot of icons to do...do you continue working on this one?
unfortunatly i'm quite busy doing some other stuff these days. but feel free to continue my work ;)
Great icon theme, but you must change the folder name and name in the index.theme. First off, spaces aren't allowed; second off, the name in index.theme and folder name should be the same. I had lots of issues until I discovered this.
One of the best. Where did you get the GTK theme though? thanks :)
Its ELEGANT BRIT. you can find the original theme and some fine mods here on gnome-look. just serach for 'elegant'.
Where can I get your wallpaper?
here you go: http://zyklophon.deviantart.com/art/Hardwood-w-Lights-66313387 greetings!
This literally made my chin drop. They're beautiful!!!!! A dream!!! Oh wow, I'll download them right away! Thanks for your work!!
yeah these are rad! Thanks man. :-D
Sieht fantastisch aus! Thanx a lot m8! Rated gud!