Description: Elementary Sky-Blue icons specially designed for Elementary OS, these icons are based on Ubuntu style and OSX-Nostalgie, it can be used also in Linux Mint 13/14/15 and Ubuntu 12.04/12.10/13.04. In this theme (icon set) was used and optimized the best that there is in free software. These icons are available in three versions: Sky-Blue-Unity is designed for Unity desktop, Sky-Blue-Gnome is designed for Gnome/Gnome Shell desktop, and Sky-Blue-Cinnamon is designed for Cinnamon desktop environment.
Any of these versions can be operated in any of the desktops and all distributions based on Ubuntu.
In the screenshots you can see three versions of the icon set Elementary Sky Blue on three desktops:
Enable icon theme Ubuntu Style with the following command in the terminal:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme 'sky-blue-unity' gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme 'sky-blue-gnome' gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme 'sky-blue-cinnamon'
Beautiful! It's the perfect blue icon theme I've been searching for. I love blue, and these icons work and look great on my LM 13 Cinnamon. Thank you for providing these. I was wondering what theme you used for your windows in the Cinnamon screenshot?
Thank you for your kind words about my artwork. For windows in the Cinnamon (on screenshot)
was used Zorin OS 6 Core (blue version). Download link:
For exterior design of the windows is used GTK3 theme Malys Revolt 2:
For the exterior design of the window frame is used theme GTK3 Sway-N LIGHT BLUE:
Video tutorials how to download from Yandex disk and set my icon sets from my colleague
This video clearly shows that my page Yandex disk is in English and everything is clear and everything is well loaded. Download Ubuntu Style icon set is on the same page as the Elementary Sky Blue.
Thank you. Blue button with arrow to download (flag button to change the language at the bottom right on the download page). I am a Pole, my wife is from the East, Poles live everywhere .
With the warm northern:)
Ratings & Comments
absolutely lovely!
Beautiful! It's the perfect blue icon theme I've been searching for. I love blue, and these icons work and look great on my LM 13 Cinnamon. Thank you for providing these. I was wondering what theme you used for your windows in the Cinnamon screenshot?
Thank you for your kind words about my artwork. For windows in the Cinnamon (on screenshot) was used Zorin OS 6 Core (blue version). Download link:
For exterior design of the windows is used GTK3 theme Malys Revolt 2: For the exterior design of the window frame is used theme GTK3 Sway-N LIGHT BLUE:
Thanks. I'll give them a try.
Video tutorials how to download from Yandex disk and set my icon sets from my colleague This video clearly shows that my page Yandex disk is in English and everything is clear and everything is well loaded. Download Ubuntu Style icon set is on the same page as the Elementary Sky Blue.
Thank you. Blue button with arrow to download (flag button to change the language at the bottom right on the download page). I am a Pole, my wife is from the East, Poles live everywhere . With the warm northern:)
Nice one, thanks for your effort. I just used those terminal comands to install it on my Ubuntu 12.04.2 x86_64 (Unity).
Not any link to download. A russian site with some gibberish.. Not any file there.
Thank you. I do it for the promotion of free software.
Tested on my elementary os with cinnamon .....Fine... Thanks....for your great job
Currently, I am preparing to implement a new set of icons specially to the wishes of users. Wait for the news.