Ubudao Style
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:This universal set of icons has been specially created
for the new Ubuntu interface and can operate in work
environments Gnome, Unity, KDE, Xfce and LXDE.
You can install it in Ubuntu 12.04/12.10/13.04/13.10
and Debian/Linux Mint/Elementary OS, as well as other operating
systems on the basis of the kernel Linux. In this theme (icon set)
was used and optimized the best that there is in free software.
Free for use and development. Only one style. Ubudao Style.
In this version was included a lot of new icons (in this version
more than 4 thousand icons), support for Nautilus 3.6 & 3.8,
support for Unity Next, support for many audio,
video and image formats, supports for Kingsoft Office,
Lotus, LibreOffice, StarOffice, Koffice and MicrosoftOffice formats.
Animation for Brasero and Gedit. For an application Gedit first
used animation effect of vanishing pen (Gnome, Unity, Cinnamon).
To install this package in Ubuntu, move the downloaded file to your
home directory and enter the following command in the terminal:
sudo tar xvfz ubudao-style_1.4.5.tar.gz -C /usr/share/icons
To activate the pack, do it in a terminal:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme 'ubudao-style'
In Ubuntu you can make it better and easier to terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/icons
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ubudao-style
Enable icon theme Ubudao Style
with the following command in the terminal:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme 'ubudao-style'
This set of icons can also be installed on the following
unix like operating systems:
Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS (Rhel), Fedora, OpenSUSE,
Slackware, Mandriva, Mageia, ROSA Linux, Gentoo,
Archlinux, Yellow Dog Linux, ALT Linux, Linspire,
Xandros, Linux XP, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD,
OpenSolaris, BeleniX, MilaX, OpenSXCE and Nexenta etc.
In this application use the unique name Ubudao.
Title Ubudao is created from two words: from
the Chinese word «dao» («tao»), meaning the way,
and also comes from the shapeof the prefix ubu-
in language zulu (14 class noun prefix). Ubudao means
"the possibility of the way" or "alternative pathway".
This set of icons can be used to create other icon sets,
and can be modified and used in the prescribed form
and preinstalled on distributions and builds.
All rights reserved.
This version is fully UPDATED.
Ratings & Comments
Sorry, I think I found it.
Cannot find how to install this beautiful icon theme on Manjaro Linux. Please help. Thank you.
Links are dead... Anyone can give me good link for tar.gz archive? (I am not ubuntu user)
Works here.
you can find a good link fort this thème to http://www.noobslab.com/2014/01/install-ubudao-style-icons-in.html
This is one hella-good icon set. My only problem is that tyhe toolbar icons for Puddletag display as HUGE and not normal sized which means I only get a fraction of an icon for each function (save, open, etc.). This is under Cinnamon on Mint 17. With MATE it works fine.
Thank you for the obviously hard work you have done on these icons. If it is possible to request a couple of new icons, they would be for Claws Mail and Crawl Tiles.
Not working in Nautilus 3.10.1-1? I have Archlinux installed. I have downloaded it and extracted into /usr/share/icons and then using gnome-tweak-tools I have set gnome icons theme to it but icons are not changing to the new ones.
Very interesting solution, Walenty! Colorful set, clear lines ... Thank you for your work, good luck in the future work. Очень интересное решение, Валентин! Красочный набор, четкие линии... Спасибо за Ваш труд, удачи в дальнейшем творчестве.
I work for the people. I am very grateful for taking the heat.
Es hermoso como diseña con tanto estilo, clase y sofisticación, en un diseño artístico. Son lo máximo. Te felicito. Muy bueno, gracias por dar éste aporte a la comunidad. Sigue así Walenty. Un saludo amigo
He recibido muchas cartas a mi dirección de correo electrónico con sugerencias sobre cómo mejorar el conjunto de iconos. En la próxima actualización (pronto) se tendrán en cuenta todos los deseos. La ventaja de este conjunto de iconos es que las preferencias sobre el diseño y la calidad de este trabajo se ha expresado una gran cantidad de personas. Gracias a todos los que se unieron en el trabajo y lo hizo todo para Ubudao Estilo todavía fue creado. ----------------------- text in English: I received a lot of letters to my email address with suggestions about improving the icon set. In the next update (soon) will take into account all the wishes. The advantage of this set of icons is that the preferences about the design and quality of this work has expressed a lot of people. Thanks to everyone who joined in the work and did everything to Ubudao Style has finally been created.
I am very pleased with your artwork. I installed the deb package through the terminal. On the message cache I did not pay attention. Icons I chose in menu of Gnome Tweak Tool. Everything works fine. I would just like to add. In Ubuntu 13.04 all notebooks should always is applet icon battery of standard theme Ubuntu. And this situation with virtually all sets of icons, which I just did not install. I saw that you were able to resolve the situation with the tree pane. You can do anything with a battery applet?
Thank you for your warm words. I am currently looking for a patch for aplleta battery Ubuntu 13.04. The problem first appeared in Ubuntu 12.10. Then the Ubuntu developers have removed the old applet from the system, and have included a new applet in the system. The solution with the icons for the new applet battery still has not been found. However, I believe that I will find a way out. I'm very glad you liked my work.
These icons look so realistic that it seems like you can touch them with his hands. Thank you for your work!
You wrote to me that the Ubuntu 13.04 desktop to install Gnome Shell from the repository through the terminal without any problems, but the message about the cache. However, this is really a problem of a repository, but tar.gz package through the terminal is installed without problems. This is only a message about the cache. My set of icons installed without problems. By the way, other than Ubuntu Tweak, you can activate a set of icons via Gnome Tweak Tool and Unity Tweak Tool.
I confirm your comments. Thank you for creating a universal set of icons.
I liked that in Gnome and KDE icons for folders are different. Each desktop looks different. It's nice. In Gnome Shell (Ubuntu 13.04) I installed this set of icons through rap in the terminal. There was a message about the cache, but this is a problem in the PPA, which neither has no effect, because the icon set has been installed and is working well. Established set of icons can be activated in Ubuntu Tweak. I love this set of icons! That's the best there is.
I think the comment about the cache can be ignored. Deb package can be installed via the Software Centre Ubuntu. It is installed perfectly. The main thing is that the icon set works well.
In Ubuntu, it is better to set this icon set manually tar.gz package, using the command line in a terminal. In Kubuntu standard way via a special application in the system. ---------------------------- To install this package in Ubuntu, move the downloaded file to your home directory and enter the following command in the terminal: sudo tar xvfz ubudao-style_1.4.5.tar.gz -C /usr/share/icons To activate the pack, do it in a terminal: gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface icon-theme 'ubudao-style'
doesnt work. It doenst drop down and it doesnt show the progresss of the downloads.
Me gusta más ese nombre significativo, de S.O Daoubuntu, el trabajo se vale ¡Viva Ubudao! Es un excelente trabajo, y lo tiene de repocito, es genial. Es usted un gran colaborador, Gracias amigo. Sigue así, estaremos siguiendo Ubudao , Me gusta , un saludo.
Creo que el nombre más corto y mejor Ubudao mucho mejor. La brevedad es el alma del ingenio, dijo Chejov.
Shows the influence of the philosophy of Dao. Please accept my compliments.
Thank you with all the warmth. I just wanted to do something very beautiful and easy to work with.