FS Icons Ubuntu
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
I know, advertisements are terribly boring, but accessing the download page via adf.ly you will be helping me maintain the project. You can also make a donation via PayPal at >> http://gnome-look.org/content/donate.php?content=147048
Many thanks to:
- Christopher Horton, for giving me some ideas for icons and make video tutorials
- Aditya Vaidya (kroq-gar78), stable and unstable PPA maintainer, and by packaging
FS Icons Ubuntu proposes a new look, smooth and modern icons for Ubuntu. Feel free to request more icons through Launchpad page >> https://bugs.launchpad.net/fs-icons-ubuntu.
Tested on Ubuntu and Kubuntu 12.04 and 12.10
FS Icons Ubuntu also has a Google+ page! Follow here: http://gplus.to/fsiconsubuntu
PPA is not working, we are verifying the problem. Install it manually, as described below
If you download via torrent, please, seed to help other users
0.6-alpha4 (Media Fire Server) >> http://adf.ly/G4IcB
0.5.2 >> https://launchpad.net/fs-icons-ubuntu/0.5/0.5.2/+download/fs-icons-ubuntu-0.5.2.tar.gz
INSTALLING (0.6-alpha series only)
(Many thanks to Christopher Horton)
Video tutorial >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unOtmfmvAKg
Installing Unoverridable icons video tutorial >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ1B50CI-DA
Before installing this version, remove / uninstall any previous version
Unoverridable icons includes:
- LibreOffice
- Desura
- Hplip tray icon
- Alarmclock
Do not worry, the icons will be installed only if their applications are installed.
1 - Extract file
2 - Give execute permission to fs-icons-ubuntu.sh file and run it
3 - The Script will guide you through the installation / setup / uninstall
4 - To install unoverridable icons (LibreOffice icons and HPLIP tray icon), rerun the installer script after installing the icons. The option is there
For better compatibility with the FS Icons Ubuntu Mono Dark set, I recommend using the Salience GTK+2/3 theme, which is available here: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Salience?content=155346
Both FS Icons Ubuntu and Salience are official themes in the LumiNight theme suite project. If you have themes for other parts of the desktop which would fit in with these themes, please ask us to take a look for possible inclusion.
Version 0.6-alpha4
- Some app icons adjusted
- Some places icons adjusted
- Apps icons added: appearance, disc recorder, chronometer, print, desura, hardware, KDE plasma, telepathy-kde, users, login preferences
- InSync extra folder added
- Some actions icons added
- Some bugfixes in the script installer
Version 0.6-alpha3
- Android apk mimetype icon added
- Internet category icon changed
- Terminal icon changed
- Video player icon changed
- Apps icons added: calendar, sound converter, date time, clock, screensaver, gnome online accounts, nuvola player, ibus, shortcuts, file association
- Many bugfixes in the installer script
Version 0.6-alpha2
- Software center icon changed
- Lot of social network icons added
- Amazon store icon added
Version 0.6-alpha
- New variants
- Lot apps icons added/adjusted
- Lot mimetypes icons added/adjusted
- Lot status, panel and actions icons added/adjusted
- Unoverridable icons added (LibreOffice, HPLip, alarmclock and Software Center)
- Instalation/setup script added
Version 0.5.2
- Bugfix to Libre Office icons on Ubuntu Precise Pangolin
- Ajustment on Trash Icon
Version 0.5.1
- Bugfix to small trash icons
Version 0.5
- Shading adjustment in some icons;
- Added more 12 mimetypes icons
- Added more 1 devices icons
- Added more 15 places/extra icons
- Added more 13 apps icons
- Added 2 categories icons
- Added more 3 actions icons
Version 0.4
- Added Google Chrome icon;
- Various Action/Panel apps/Status icons added;
- Shading adjustment in some icons;
- More 7 mimetypes icons added;
- Redesign of python mimetype icon;
- More extra folders icons added.
Version 0.3
- Shading adjusted in some icons;
- More 4 mimetypes icons added;
- Some extra folders icons added.
Version 0.2
- New design;
- Icons adapted from the main project.
Ratings & Comments
9 +great work!!!
Hello, First, I must say this is wonderful icon set. I especially love the icons for mimetypes. That said, I'm unable to use any of themes under Fedora 23 (Gnome) because of some nasty bug. Namely, icons in Nautilus' top bar go huge - some 250px. Problem is caused by icons: back, forward, home, find. Also, in left panel, the icons for respective folders are mangled - only grey boxes can be seen. If you still maintain the icons please drop a hint how to overcome this bug. Thanks in advance.
USB icon please
Amazing icons! I'm going to donate right now, thanks again.
Specifically, the icon for for some files are only displaying as blank page icons (.cpp .h Makefile .c .py ...). Also the filetypes .js .php .pl .rb .sh all share the same icon, the icon that I think is intended for .sh scripts. Oddly enough, if I use the file manager (nemo) to ssh onto another machine, all the icons are just as they should be. I am on Linux Mint 15 (Cinnamon) and also had this problem on Ubuntu 12.04. Thank you for any help.
Thanks a lot! A question about the second screenshot: - How do you have monochrome icons in LibreOffice?
Ooops, sorry, forgot to re-run the installer script ;-) Couldn't we just do it during installation though - at the very end I guess?
Really gorgeous! Use it on my Xfce Fedora 18 distro. Just unpacked the files fromout the tar file and pasted them into the usr/share/icons folder. Works like a charm!
Is this compatible with Gnome Shell 3.6 ?
How do I get it to use the black folder icons?
The extra folders (colored folders, folder pdf, etc) can only be used manually, or when the system calls. The only folders that can be used as normal folders are variants (megypt, sky and uva). I plan to make more variants, and these are the black folders.
Beautiful icons, but the icons are still missing in the settings category Ubuntu and Kubuntu with KDE.
In progress ;)
Thanks, I can not wait.
Your version 0.6-alpha2 download from MediaFire does not work. It fails after about 50%. It is also not available in the unstable PPA.
Well, as said in description, the PPA is not working, the person responsible for are busy with other stuff at the moment, and I am not programmer. As regards the mediafire, I tried upload to devianart, but I wait 30 min upload to the site tell me that does not accept executable files, so I removed the script inside the package and tried again (3 times), and he shows me the same message. I also tried to upload to Launchpad, after uploading, timeout occurs (tried 4 times). The solution I found was to use this server. But I will also upload to other servers, Launchpad and devianart are kidding me
Try zip the file afterwards.
I tried, does not work, same message on deviantart, same timeout on launchpad
Since the last time the set is really much better (it was already beautiful hour is great), I noticed that you increase the contrast of identification symbols on folders. Have you ever considered the idea of adding symbols as external elements placed above the folder (dye with more colors instead of leaving mono color) and not drawn on it? In this way, in my opinion would be greatly increased the sense of three-dimensionality. I hope you will want to consider my suggestion
Something like this? http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/FS+Icons?content=149302 I am preparing something, don't worry ;)
is exactly what I meant. P.S. I noticed that missing icon monochrome deluge (blue is the classic icon in the panel). compliments
I'll check. ;)
Exellent work, thanks!
I like your icons sooo much, imho they should become the Ubuntu's default icons. Great job man, congratulations ;)
These icons are great but the only thing stopping me using them at the moment is the lack of panel icons. The fact that music, networking & sys settings revert to the really basic ones is a deal breaker for me. Here is what my panel looks like with FS icons enabled: http://i.imgur.com/THvVT.png I will defo be keeping an eye open though, thanks!