Description: based on this one: - stone-old, but i love the colors & simplicity.
most suitable for lubuntu or crunchbang, though i myself am using it on xubuntu, except i replaced xfwm with openbox. xubuntu users could use the xfwm4-theme from my other contribution.
everything is taken from somewhere else and modified. the tiled wallpaper is from deviantArt. it is a large tile, some desktop managers do not understand that.
the conkies are the same as in my last contribution, just different colors. they will always require some adapting - changing the colors is the smallest thing.
The Icon theme is called Any Color You Like, you can find it here or on deviantArt.
PS: the gtk-3.0 is not so good. i just copied sth and changed the colors. needs work.Last changelog:
made one tiny change to openbox themerc, the border around the window is 1px now instead of 2px.
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