All you have to do is unzip and copy it to /home/user/.themes
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-Gnome shell theme 3.4 compatibility added -Updated with improvements and corrections
06-17-2012 improvements
Cinnamon: -Improved panel -List of windows looking thinner and better hover -changes on scroolbar -new music buttons -Improvements in popupmenu
Gnome-shell: -finest panel elements -improved overview icons -Improved integration of fonts -Improvements in popupmenu
if you want the version of gnome-shell 3.3 and 3.2 you must follow this link:
Wallpapers: and city by omer-ogd
icons: Faenza by ~tiheum
The Applications font is white on a white background. I had to go to Line 1401 in cinnamon.css to correct the font color.
see image
Congratulations, great theme!
I am using Linuxmint 14 with Cinnamon 1.6.7. When I highlight the second level of menu and the text is white color and the box is white color too.
How can I change text color from white to black color?.
I tried to edit cinnamon.css but I didnt find the line to do it.
Please, see the image...
(sorry my English)
Love your theme and am using it at the moment on Gnome Shell. It's awesome.
One little detail that is a bit irksome is that when I get a message with a link in the bottom tray (like you might get using evolution), the link text is shown as white, which gets confused with the white background. It makes them illegible unless you squint your eyes a bit, which I guess is not what you intended.
Advanced volume mixer:
To fix it add in popup-menu-item - spacing: 1.2em; or other size
Media player indicator (buttons are light):
To fix it add in gnome-shell.css:
.button-icon {
color: #333;
icon-size: 20px;
padding: 2px;
color, size, padding - do as you like :)
See a screenshot. When you point to a systemic indicator of the size of different size when you hover over the menu or the calendar
Thanks for inform me about it, but I see the panel in this way,
Please tell me if you made a change.
I will answer you as soon as possible to remedy this situation.
The theme is awesome, little top bar (for laptops) clean interface, it's very awesome.
But the notifications are buggy in gnome-shell 3.4 with your theme.
Also, in applications, the icons are too little....can you put the icons a little bigger?
El tema que has creado es precioso, sobretodo por cosas como la barra de arriba, tan fina, excelente para portatiles.
Mi unica queja es que las notificaciones en gnome-shell no se muestran bien con tu tema...podrias arreglarlo?
También, los iconos en la pestaña de aplicaciones son muy pequeños...y los nombres de las aplicaciones quedan cortados y queda feo...podrias arreglarlo tambien? podrias ponerlo de grandes como el tema por defecto de gnome, si te parece bien =)
Are you sure you selected the correct version for gnome 3.4?, the notifications must be well.
i will not put the arrangement of the icons of the applications as the adwaita theme beacause i don't like it, you can change it in the gnome-shell.css substituting the apps values for the following:
Application Overview
. icon-grid {
spacing: 58px;
-shell-grid-item-horizontal-size: 118px;
-shell-vertical-grid-item-size: 118px;
Thank you for the answer =)
Also, this is the problem:
And this is the theme I have installed:
As you can see, it is the 3.4 theme
Esta bueno ver trabajos orgullosamente Made in México dentro de este mundo. Ojala aprenda como se hace.
Una sugerencia y una pregunta: Mi sugerencia es que si llegas a hacer una segunda generación de este tema, permitas la modificación de colores, así habría mas variedad según estado de animo.
Y mi pregunta es: y como activo las transparencias? Es necesario el Emeral, o nada que ver?
hola, muchas gracias, no se si existan herramientas gráficas para cambiar los colores, lo que si es posible es editar los archivos de configuración manualmente y personalizar el tema a gusto.
Ratings & Comments
9 9 excellent
The Applications font is white on a white background. I had to go to Line 1401 in cinnamon.css to correct the font color. see image
Congratulations, great theme! I am using Linuxmint 14 with Cinnamon 1.6.7. When I highlight the second level of menu and the text is white color and the box is white color too. How can I change text color from white to black color?. I tried to edit cinnamon.css but I didnt find the line to do it. Please, see the image... Thanks! (sorry my English)
Hey, Love your theme and am using it at the moment on Gnome Shell. It's awesome. One little detail that is a bit irksome is that when I get a message with a link in the bottom tray (like you might get using evolution), the link text is shown as white, which gets confused with the white background. It makes them illegible unless you squint your eyes a bit, which I guess is not what you intended.
Advanced volume mixer: To fix it add in popup-menu-item - spacing: 1.2em; or other size Media player indicator (buttons are light): To fix it add in gnome-shell.css: /*Mediaplayer*/ .button-icon { color: #333; icon-size: 20px; padding: 2px; } color, size, padding - do as you like :)
See a screenshot. When you point to a systemic indicator of the size of different size when you hover over the menu or the calendar
Thanks for inform me about it, but I see the panel in this way, Please tell me if you made a change. I will answer you as soon as possible to remedy this situation.
Strangely enough, today I decided to see what's going on, and this bug disappeared ... maybe an update or something like that can be rectified
Hi, The theme is awesome, little top bar (for laptops) clean interface, it's very awesome. But the notifications are buggy in gnome-shell 3.4 with your theme. Also, in applications, the icons are too little....can you put the icons a little bigger? ----------------------------------------------- El tema que has creado es precioso, sobretodo por cosas como la barra de arriba, tan fina, excelente para portatiles. Mi unica queja es que las notificaciones en gnome-shell no se muestran bien con tu tema...podrias arreglarlo? También, los iconos en la pestaña de aplicaciones son muy pequeños...y los nombres de las aplicaciones quedan cortados y queda feo...podrias arreglarlo tambien? podrias ponerlo de grandes como el tema por defecto de gnome, si te parece bien =) Gracias!!
Are you sure you selected the correct version for gnome 3.4?, the notifications must be well. i will not put the arrangement of the icons of the applications as the adwaita theme beacause i don't like it, you can change it in the gnome-shell.css substituting the apps values for the following: Application Overview . icon-grid { spacing: 58px; -shell-grid-item-horizontal-size: 118px; -shell-vertical-grid-item-size: 118px; }
Thank you for the answer =) Also, this is the problem: And this is the theme I have installed: As you can see, it is the 3.4 theme
I don't see the notifications like you, but let me check what is the problem and when i find the solution i'll contact you
Esta bueno ver trabajos orgullosamente Made in México dentro de este mundo. Ojala aprenda como se hace. Una sugerencia y una pregunta: Mi sugerencia es que si llegas a hacer una segunda generación de este tema, permitas la modificación de colores, así habría mas variedad según estado de animo. Y mi pregunta es: y como activo las transparencias? Es necesario el Emeral, o nada que ver?
hola, muchas gracias, no se si existan herramientas gráficas para cambiar los colores, lo que si es posible es editar los archivos de configuración manualmente y personalizar el tema a gusto.
How to remove the transparency of the cinnamon panel?
in the cinnamon.css, search panel backgound and change de rgba decimal to 1
Hola, me equivoque y añadi 2 comentarios iguales... por favor podrías borrar el primer comentario, gracias y lindo theme :D
Jajaja claro, sí veo como se hace eso :S
Hola, esta lindo el theme :)
Hola, esta lindo el theme :)
Muchas gracias, me alegra saber que es apreciado por otros
good work, beautiful ... thumbs up
Thank you!!