Sway Normal Panel V-1.8

GTK3/4 Themes

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This is a collection of themes I designed for Ubuntu 12.04 and Gnome 3.4. I have only tested these themes in Ubuntu 12.04 but I am sure they will work with most Gnome 3.4 based Operating Systems.

These themes are a merge of my Swar Blue + Swar-Black-Base-Orange + Originalseeds DarkCold4.

Originalseed, the author of the theme DarkCold4, deserves the credit for their work that has enabled me to create this (and soon to be many more) new theme(s) and many thanks to Originalseed.
To download the DarkCold4 theme please go to http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=143165

These themes are based on the Gnome 2 theme Slickness-Black which is the best Operating System theme I have ever had. I do not want to see such digital artwork lost with the progression of improvement so I have been learning how to import, alter and develop themes.

The desktop images I use can be found from Digital Blasphemy by Ryan at: http://www.digitalblasphemy.com/

It has worked for me and it is my third attempt at theme development so please be kind. If there are bugs then help me to become more skilled so I can create better themes or use my themes to create even better themes.

Should you download this file you will be downloading the following themes version 1.5
Thus the naming structure...
-N = Normal-panel

*** themes in this package ***
- Sway-N Black-Base GREEN Invisible-Panel
- Sway-N Black-Base GREY Invisible-Panel
- Sway-N Black-Base LIGHT BLUE Invisible-Panel
- Sway-N Black-Base ORANGE Invisible-Panel
- Sway-N Black-Base PINK Invisible-Panel
- Sway-N Black-Base PURPLE Invisible-Panel
- Sway-N Black-Base RED Invisible-Panel
- Sway-N Black-Base RED DARK Invisible-Panel
- Sway-N Black-Base ROYAL BLUE Invisible-Panel
- Sway-N Black-Base YELLOW Invisible-Panel
- Sway-N GREEN Invisible-Panel
- Sway-N LIGHT BLUE Invisible-Panel
- Sway-N ORANGE Invisible-Panel
- Sway-N PINK Invisible-Panel
- Sway-N PURPLE Invisible-Panel
- Sway-N RED Invisible-Panel
- Sway-N RED DARK Invisible-Panel
- Sway-N ROYAL BLUE Invisible-Panel
- Sway-N YELLOW Invisible-Panel

These themes are almost a fork of the Sway Themes Version 1.3 so I will not erase the 1.3 All-In-One Download but in time I will update the individual theme downloads to version 1.4.

I hope you enjoy the Sway Themes as much as I do...
Last changelog:

- Ver 1.2 Visible colorized / colourised panel
- Ver 1.3 Changed Main Panel and Options font color / colour from grey to white for improved visibility
- Ver 1.3 Changed Selected Items and Icons font color / colour from white to black for for improved visibility
- Ver 1.4 Set a different display font colour to panel font colour
- Ver 1.4 Set a colour gradient for background image to sharpen appearance
- Ver 1.4 Used brighter colours to create background image(s) in coloured themes
- Ver 1.4 Set mouse-over background image for items in side panel(s) to improve visibility
- Ver 1.5 File Naming Structure altered for improved ease of access when setting themes
- Ver 1.6 Added Fix (files and instructions) for Mozilla Firefox Black Background Input + Black Text for use with Dark Themes
- Ver 1.6 Added Fix (files and instructions) for Ubuntu Software Center for Use with Dark Themes
- Ver 1.6 Deleted Unnecessary settings.ini file
- Ver 1.6 Deleted File Call line for non existent file
- Ver 1.7 Altered 2-tone grey to black gradient for tabs to multi-tone black to grey to black gradient
- Ver 1.8 Colourised tabs multi tone appearance to match colourised themes for better theme consistency

*** I dedicate these themes to my friend Shane Klease; may you rest in peace and you will not be forgotten!

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