Description: This is a collection of themes I designed for Ubuntu 12.04 and Gnome 3.4. I have only tested these themes in Ubuntu 12.04 but I am sure they will work with most Gnome 3.4 based Operating Systems.
These themes are a merge of my Swar Blue + Swar-Black-Base-Orange + Originalseeds DarkCold4.
Originalseed, the author of the theme DarkCold4, deserves the credit for their work that has enabled me to create this (and soon to be many more) new theme(s) and many thanks to Originalseed. To download the DarkCold4 theme please go to
These themes are based on the Gnome 2 theme Slickness-Black which is the best Operating System theme I have ever had. I do not want to see such digital artwork lost with the progression of improvement so I have been learning how to import, alter and develop themes.
The desktop images I use can be found from Digital Blasphemy by Ryan at:
It has worked for me and it is my third attempt at theme development so please be kind. If there are bugs then help me to become more skilled so I can create better themes or use my themes to create even better themes.
Should you download this file you will be downloading the following themes version 1.3 - Sway Black-Base GREEN - Sway Black-Base GREY - Sway Black-Base LIGHT BLUE - Sway Black-Base ORANGE - Sway Black-Base PINK - Sway Black-Base PURPLE - Sway Black-Base RED - Sway Black-Base RED DARK - Sway Black-Base ROYAL BLUE - Sway Black-Base YELLOW - Sway GREEN - Sway LIGHT BLUE - Sway ORANGE - Sway PINK - Sway PURPLE - Sway RED - Sway RED DARK - Sway ROYAL BLUE - Sway YELLOW
I hope you enjoy the Sway Themes as much as I do...
Very nice themes...but I do have two problems.
1. Ubuntu is about the only distro that puts the min-max-close buttons on the left side--so they partly cover the icon on the right when there--would suggest removing the icon for other distros (most people won't want a Ubuntu icon anyway)
2. Ubuntu is the only distro with the minimized scrollbar--I get a non-operationable button in the left side of the file window in Nautilus & a blank scroll area (without moveable button) on the right side--again--a problem you will see in any distro except Ubuntu.
That is a great shame the themes are not working as they do in Ubuntu in Debian. That symbol in the top right is not the Ubuntu Symbol / logo it is just something I made in Gimp and put there to help me distinguish the versions. I did intend to add other simple images for the different versions but to save time I have not progressed with this option.
1. Go into the theme directory ie "Sway Pink"
2. Go into the sub-directory "metacity-1"
3. Open the file titled "titlebar-mid-focused.png" with Pinta (you will need to have installed Pinta first: sudo apt-get install -y pinta)
4. From the menu options in Pinta select "Image"
5. Then Select the Menu Function "Flip Horizontal"
6. Save Your altered File
7. Now Reload the Theme
8. Your Logo should be on the left and not the right ;-)
Ratings & Comments
Greetings!!! Very nice themes...but I do have two problems. 1. Ubuntu is about the only distro that puts the min-max-close buttons on the left side--so they partly cover the icon on the right when there--would suggest removing the icon for other distros (most people won't want a Ubuntu icon anyway) 2. Ubuntu is the only distro with the minimized scrollbar--I get a non-operationable button in the left side of the file window in Nautilus & a blank scroll area (without moveable button) on the right side--again--a problem you will see in any distro except Ubuntu.
That is a great shame the themes are not working as they do in Ubuntu in Debian. That symbol in the top right is not the Ubuntu Symbol / logo it is just something I made in Gimp and put there to help me distinguish the versions. I did intend to add other simple images for the different versions but to save time I have not progressed with this option.
1. Go into the theme directory ie "Sway Pink" 2. Go into the sub-directory "metacity-1" 3. Open the file titled "titlebar-mid-focused.png" with Pinta (you will need to have installed Pinta first: sudo apt-get install -y pinta) 4. From the menu options in Pinta select "Image" 5. Then Select the Menu Function "Flip Horizontal" 6. Save Your altered File 7. Now Reload the Theme 8. Your Logo should be on the left and not the right ;-)