Description: I hope more than anything other developers can import or alter this work to suit other Linux Distributions or create even better themes.
This package has been separated into 2 files due to uploading speed limitations... Sway-Themes__For-Developers.part1.rar (Part 1 of 2) Sway-Themes__For-Developers.part2.rar (Part 2 of 2)
In this package I have contained... - Development 0.x.rar - Version 1.0.rar - Version 1.1.rar - Version 1.2.rar - Version 1.3.rar - Version 1.4.rar - Version 1.5.rar - Version 1.6.rar - Version 1.7.rar - Version 1.8.rar
This is a download for the developers of themes not general users of custom or altered themes!
This download is the development for the sway themes to help others develop themes from seeing my mistakes and my changes to create new / different / improved themes.
This package contains the development cycle from... - Swar Themes (designed for Ubuntu 11.10 with Gnome 3.2) to... - Sway Themes (Designed for Ubuntu 12.04 with Gnome 3.4) by use of the theme... - DarkCold4 by Originalseed which can be found by using the link just below.
I hope theme developers for many platforms of Linux Distributions can take this material and use it to cross-platform the themes or create themes of their own.
Realistically, this is my second attempt at themes development, please be kind!
I do not want to loose the look and appearance of themes I once had, so, I have worked to keep those themes in the new versions of Ubuntu.
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