Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
based on Greybird
special for Gnome-classic 3.6 (fallback-mode),
requre Gtk 3.6
Almost all minimization settings in separate file. This file may be used for other compact themes.
Based on built-in Gtk3 engine, don't use any external images for theming.
Previous theme for gtk2 was here http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Clearlooks-flat-compact?content=74918
Previous metacity theme was there http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Antracit-metacity?content=84316
Git repository https://github.com/linvinus/Clearlooks-flat-compact
Also for those metacity users, who want to have fast compositing manager, i recommend to install xcompmgr which was adapted to work properly with metacity.
Available in my ppa https://launchpad.net/~linvinus/+archive/linvinus
After install run command: xcompmgr -l -5 -t -5 -r 4 -cC -b
add this command into autostart in your session.
v0.3.4 for gtk3.4 - 01.11.2012
adapt theme for gtk3.4, to support ubuntu 12.04
-resolved black background in Opera browser.
Problem was with style
GtkLabel:insensitive {
background-color: transparent;
v0.3.4 - 26.10.2012
fix toolbar toolbutton borders,
ignore focus border on button press,
fix font color in progress bar,
enable animation
v0.3.3 - 25.10.2012
simplify style for gnome-evolution
GtkViewport set default background, this should fix black background in some cases (a specially when enabled ubuntu overlay-scrollbar).
change button.default background, add toolbar button press effect
few css cleanups
v0.3.2 - 24.10.2012
use built-in gtk engine
restore button press effect
gtkhandlebox bottom border
v0.3.1 - 23.10.2012
fix notebook tab borders in opera settings
v0.3 - 23.10.2012
added borders to scrollbar
added bottom border to toolbar
fix GtkTreeView row:nth-child(even) wrong background
fix GtkTreeView.check border
in gnome-control-center white background
fix border in gnome-calculator entry
romove images from metacitytheme, instead use xml function arc.
pack theme into gresource
new Git repository https://github.com/linvinus/Clearlooks-flat-compact
added Gtk3 and Metacity theme.
Ratings & Comments
Ready for GTK 3.22 https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1284820/
To identify QT version you can use command dpkg -l libqtgui4 but any way, in ubuntu 12.04 my theme will have some bugs, becouse it use gtk css syntax from gtk 3.6, which is not available in Ubuntu 12.04, sorry, i don't have possibility to support two versions. I have updated all of my computers to the latest version of Ubuntu..