
GTK3/4 Themes

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Available as/for:
A Gtk2 & Gtk3 colored kevlar theme. For Gnome 3.4
Gnome 3.4gkt-engine-equinox-1.50gtk-engine-murrine- newer)pixbuf-engine or the gtk(2)-engines packagegnome-themes-standard-3.4.*(provides the 'adwaita' theme)gtk-engine-unico-1.0.2

see download-page for details, downloads, and installation information

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hi hellokitten, nice to hear, that you maintain this theme in future. And I am glad, that it will be upgraded to Gnome 3.6. But I had to downgrade again, because these ppa-repositories are still way to unstable and break the installation. So I will have to wait until Gnome 3.5 will be in the stable repos for LinuxMint 14 or LinuxMint 15. And in the new version, there is still the problem with this nvidia-driver, which does still not work because it needs a rebuild against this new x-server. Installation still fail for me. So I will have to wait, until this works again. Greetings Karmicbastler


hi hellokitten, I wanted to inform you, that a new Gnome-Desktop with version 3.5.5 arrived!! This meant for me: your nice theme got uninstalled and does no longer work for me. Could you pleas be kind and update your theme to this current Gnome-version?? I love your theme and would like to see it in future!! So please please update your theme to the current Gnome3.5.5-version!! Thanks from Karmicbastler


I am glad you enjoyed my theme. I will be updating it for Gnome 3.6 in the next month.


hi hellokitten, I still enjoy your theme and I would greet it, if your ppa-repository (including this Firefox-theme) would make it into the standard-repositories!! This theme is awsome and should be continued!! Please keep up this good work (including the Firefox-theme!!). And one wish: could you also make a theme for Opera-Browser please?? I would like to have the same look also in my Opera-Next. Greetings from your fan Karmicbastler


Thank you for your very kind words. varNaM still has a ways to go before it is finished. I do intend on making a theme for Opera-Browser in the near future, as it is my preferred browser. I also need to port my previous Thunderbird theme to varNaM and lastly I have the Libre-Office to figure out. Thanks again for your words of encouragement.


hi again hellokitten, this nice Firefox-theme, that appears not in gray but blue for me fixes another issue with comment-functions where dark-blue backgrounds with black textclolor had appeared. I installed this theme, created a new userprofile and followed your instruction and it helped a lot!!! Thanks for this Firefox-theme!! This is a real help. Keep this Firefox-theme and this varNam theme up and running!! Thanks you so much and Greetings Karmicbastler


THANKS, I am happy that it fixed the problems with Firefox for you. I intend on maintaining both varNaM and the Firefox themes. I'll begin working again on varNaM in the next couple of weeks. Cheers!


OK, I just got the file and installed this firefox-theme. This fixed the problem with the addressbar. Thanks a lot!! Now I can read this again. Thank you!! Greetings Karmicbastler


hi hellokitten: I wanted to, but: all I got was this: error 404 - file not found!! so could you pleas re-upload this file?? Then I can try to follow this instruction. So I would be thankful, if you would re-upload this file. Thanks, Karmicbastler


hi hellokitten, I just have one little thing: the text-color in the addressline in Firefox is hard to read. You seem to use a lightblue textcolor. But: the background-color of the addressline is white. So could you please change the text-color in this addressline to a darker blue color please?? Thanks, your fan Karmicbastler


Did you download the Firefox theme for varNaM on my Deviant-art page? You will also need to install the user chrome. I have also included one with instruction in the firefox theme package. Hope this helps


hi hellokitten, I just was looking out for your Firefox-theme, fitting to the varNam-theme. Therefore, I followed your Link. But all I got was the Thunderbird-theme. I also downloaded it. But now I am looking for your Firefox-theme and there I only get the well-known error 404 (file no longer available). So my question would be: can you re-upload this Firefox-theme for the varNam-theme please?? Greetings Karmicbastler


Hi, It is a marvellous theme, I love it. Just discovered a flaw in Thunderbird - Lightning and Email form. I did a screen shot of the task window ... it more then less is unreadable. Would you please correct it? Thank you in advance, have a ewonderful day.


Both Thunderbird and Firefox require changing their individual CSS code. For the time being you can use this Thunderbird Theme I had done previously. It will match closely to the varnam theme. Go ahead and give that a try.


Thank you very much varNam. Yes it will work for the time being. I look forward to your theme being finished, and also firefox and T-Bird look accordingly ;-) It is perfect for me since I am working extreme hours on my PC on a daily basis.


I've voted your theme up :-)


Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm glad the Thunderbird theme will work for you. I understand the long hours of looking at the computer. That is actually the reason I started creating themes. The eye strain over many hours with a light theme can really do a number on my eyes. Did you notice the Firefox theme for varNaM on my Deviantart page? I will be maintaining this theme for the long haul. I still have a ways to go till it is finised. Cheers!


Hi hellokitten, Thank you for your reply, and yes, I noticed your Firefox theme too. But honestly, I do not want to change Mozilla's CSS code since I sometimes change themes within one day, just according to best usage. Just a little hint ... I do not want to influence your marvellous artwork ... have a look on MediterraneanNight, he went the "grey way" and there's no need to change CSS codes in T-Bird and Firefox. Another little issue I discovered in the meantime too: If you work with spread sheets in "page view" the page number overlays sometimes the content of columns in the same color like the content, which makes it unreadable while editing. Please continue your great work, your theme is (per my opinion) on the best way to become a "bestseller" ;-) Enjoy your day.


MediterraneanNight is a beautiful theme and very well done. Differences are many between themes. I chose to use background images in my themes which create a myriad of design and color issues...I guess i just like creating obstacles for myself. I guess I could give-up on textured widgets, and do a more universal theme, but that would be too easy...LOL! As far as the code changes to mozilla; they aren't anything that should cause issues regardless of the theme. The changes i hard-coded were only for the URL and Search-Bars. the other few aesthetic changes are theme independent and rely upon gtk2's color scheme. Firefox will still change to match the appearance of the currently selected theme, same as it does now, only the URL and Search-Bar's will remain clean and readable. Spread Sheets and Libre-Office on the other hand is a whole other bag of worms.


I tested MediterraneanNight in Firefox, and it works just fine with my Firefox theme. Just to let you know. varNaM uses all complimentary colors. Dark-burnt-orange is used for shadows. Deep-navy-blue is used for dark borders. Text is either light-blue or light-beige and sometimes chocolate. I wanted to play with color and avoid black and white. Anyway....Thanks again for your help. Cheers!


Where in the code is the progressbar vertical trough?


Hi, I am assuming you are refering to gtk3. 'gtk-widgets-backgrounds.css' line# 69. for the background color. 'gtk-widgets-borders.css' line# 18, for all variants of 'trough' border. 'Gtk-widgets.css' line# 538 provides the padding between the 'trough' and the 'progressbar'. I hope this answers your question.


I meant to ask if you found a problem with the vertical progressbar trough in the theme? If so, please let me know what app the problem is visable in, and what linux distro and desktop you are using with it. Thanks


no no i just wanted to change its look although the only time i see it is in widget factory ;)


hi hellokitten, voted your content vanNam gtk-theme up!! Works nice! Thank you!!

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version 1.46
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