Blumix 1.2(upd) [minimal Gtk3.10 theme]

GTK3/4 Themes

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Update 1.2: I updated the theme with several improvements including alpha support to Unity. This 1.2 version is the "Edge" Version. Due to changes in gtk engine in gnome 3.11+ this theme suffer from a bug that cut-off the buttons. A complete rewrite based on Adwaita theme is needed, since Numix also suffer from this. Be patient, I will port all the stuff according to the new stuff and luckily in some short time I'll get a new version 2. Cheers. Oh, just in case it is not clear, until that major rewrite, this work will be freezed.

This theme is for Gnome 3.10 environments. The version 1.0-1.2 works well / was tested on Gnome-Shell ONLY. So the "1.0" stable versioning is valid ONLY for Gnome 3.10+ desktops. All the other enviroments are in alpha stage. Unity support will come in the next immediate version 1.1 (which is already available in the Blumix-Edge repo thanks to Sadi -thanks man!-). It wasn't tested in cinnamon, xfce, lxde, etc... If you want to try it, do it KNOWING you MAY find weard things... please report them in order to improve the theme! Cheers!

Blumix Gtk Theme: Simple. Rounded. Essential. Started as a minimal Blue-ish Mod for Numix Gtk3 Theme, now, with some perspective, it's growing with its own identity. It supports gtk3.10, gtk3.6, gtk2and metacity3. Oh, yeah. The metacity is intend to be like that: minimal. Mouse over to see the buttons.

This work is an updated, newer, better, nicer, and more complete version of my previous work

Featuring Plank Themer. So give it a try if you want.

Bleeding edge version of this theme: Try it to see the latest developments.

You can install it through a Ninja-Install, one command to apply it. In Ubuntu and derivatives open a terminal and run (will download, install and apply the theme):

[quote]mkdir -p ~/blumix-install && cd ~/blumix-install && wget && unzip && cd Blumix-master && sudo cp -a Blumix /usr/share/themes/Blumix1.0 && gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme "Blumix1.0" && gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences theme 'Blumix1.0' && cd ~ && rm -R ~/blumix-install/
[/quote]Oh, and dont forget to leave your impression by voting if everything went ok.

Install the dependences!!! Otherwise it will not work right:

[quote]sudo apt-get install -y gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-pixbuf gtk3-engines-unico[/quote]

This means the theme requires murrine, pixbuf and unico engines installed on your system. If you do not have them, Firefox, Thunderbird, Libreoffice and other gtk2 programs will not draw the theme (and you will get a win95 look).

Manual install:

Download the file. Once you got it, uncompress the zip. Browse the uncompressed content and copy the folder named Blumix in /usr/share/themes/ (this will require root access). Apply it with your favourite tunning tool (gnome-tweaks, unity-tweak, ubuntu-tweak... etc.). If you can't see properly some apps read the note above... probably you should install the required engines to make it work. You can also pass by and give a like in deviant-art and fork/clone it in github if you feel so. If you see anything odd, please report a bug (in github) or drop a comment down there.

Full Review and Screenshots (in spanish)

Project on Github:

Oh! and remember to vote if you liked it. This is a work made with love, for sharing. So please be kind and share your critics, comments, impressions down there!.
Last changelog:

Changelog V1.0 (yey!) [Feb. 2014]
New revisited Gtk3 theme: Now focused on gtk3.10 (no further development for previous gtk versions -3.6, 3.8-, sorry). New toolbars, Headerbars, Buttons, new buttons-headers-indicators-checks rounding (all over to gain coherence), new neat scrollbars, fixed distances, early version of animations. Several detail focused fixes.
New Gtk2 theme, massively reworked: *scrollbars *buttons focus *separators (now are transparent! ^_^) *Handlers (Transparent) *Incresed integration *Libreoffice integration *Menu-button policy *Use of pixmap to force fixing some stuff
New Window Borders: Focused (unfocused) effect, rounding, lateral borders fix, new buttons, elements ported to svg.
First granite wigets integration (Elementary OS). New tabs, colors and stuff.

Nautilus: complete rework. Now it is minimal. But really minimal. (oh!... and usable too!).
New dependences. Now requires an additional engine to draw pixmaps (besides murrine). In ubuntu, run in a terminal the following line in order to install it: sudo apt-get install -y gtk2-engines-murrine gtk2-engines-pixbuf gtk3-engines-unico

Ratings & Comments



Hi, I like the theme. But the highlight color is a pain in the eye to me. I just dropped a find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/#91A6FF/#AACDE5/g' {} \; on the commandline, and now it is much more neat. Cheers. David


But in the end I saw this has to be adjusted to gradient colors also and to chrome highlight colors. Is there a trick to do that with a oneliner ?


Hiliggh Gradients look awful in Gnome 3.10 especially in Virtualbox Manager Overview. PLEASE take away this rediculous bluish thing and consider taking a more neat color for that purpose.


thanks for your feedback. The color palette is a matter of taste and evidently you managed to change it to yours, so, that's it :) Regarding the qt theme I don't know how the heck I should change it! :P If you know, give me hand. Cheers!


on white background is not readable. there are already too much unreadable websites with that colors. is there a way to make the font darker ?


just found out, edited the gtkrc


now the titlebar buttons are unvisible... not usable at all, sorry, uninstalled it.


Wait Wait... I don't understand your problems if you talk to yourself! jajaja. This is crazy. Pass me some snapshots of what issue you are having and what environment/distro you are using. What text are you having problems with? apparently it is a gtk2 issue, so IT WON'T BE EASY TO DEAL WITH. Plus, man, instead of complain and voting down you should help me to make it better... :/


lol, im sorry man. the titlebar is a cinnamon issue. i am running linux mint petra with cinnamon desktop. your theme is fine.


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First I thought there was no Unity (top panel) support yet, but I now realize that there is, but it's just that I don't prefer having a black Unity top panel with light grey GTK and Metacity themes. The reason is: when you maximize a window under Unity the top panel becomes also titlebar and menubar (which used to be light grey a moment ago ;-) Are you sure you want to keep this or would consider making Unity panel the same as titlebar & menubar?


Hi there. Yap, indeed Unity looks black. It works (so it doesn't show anything broken) but is not integrated / themed yet. I'll try to do something about this asap cause shouldn't be that complicated. Probably next week. Regarding github I didn't know about thaat function! is amazing. It is updated now with the release 1.0. Cool.:)


OK. I've recently started learning git and I find it very useful for such purposes. The commands I use most - after cd to my local subdir for the git repository concerned - are: git pull (copies/updates all files from remote to local) git add <filename> (stages the file, adding it to the list of files to be committed) git commit -m 'Updated' (Updates the file staged, adding the message "Updated") git push origin master (copies/updates all files from local to remote)


Could you please also do a dark version like this?


I think the dark version should appear in the 2.0 version. Lot of work in the middle, like tabs, several minor fixes and alternative window borders. After that, the dark version is in the cue :)


I understand... I'll look forward to seeing Unity (top panel) support first and then a Dark version ;-) Or maybe two Dark versions? 1) Title, menu, tool, tab bars, etc. dark, but main window areas light 2) All dark


git clone '~/.local/share/git/rhoconlinux' ln -s ~/.local/share/git/rhoconlinux/Blumix ~/.local/share/themes/Blumix UPDATE COMMAND: cd ~/.local/share/git/rhoconlinux/Blumix git pull


Yes!!! Indeed that's the way! :D I chose a raw wget approach just to avoid the dependence of "git" package, not usually present in begginer's fresh installations. Just that. ^_^ Anyway, you should check the "edge" repo, which is the one that actually reflects the real-time progress of the theme. Although you will have the latest version, since it is a working directory is full of stuff I use (used) to make it happen. Just to justify the ~50mb that weights :P


It seems you haven't updated the GIT repository to the latest version 1.0 yet: ~/.local/share/git/rhoconlinux$ git pull Already up-to-date.


I wish this very nice theme had Unity (top panel) support as well. Re: buttons; I think a dark version of legendary Shiki buttons could suit this theme better.


Thanks for your feedback Sadi :) I will consider to include dark buttons in the forthcoming dark version. Although I may correct/polish a little bit this release before enter in another sub-project, I'm looking forward to make different tastes of the theme :)


Perhaps it might be a more minimalist approach to use the same blue color for the buttons both in light and (future) dark version? It's up to you ;-)


I might like the tabs to stand out a bit more, but it's better than I expected. It goes especially well with the old "Ultimate Gnome" icon theme ( ...and here's hoping someone will adopt that classic icon set and bring it up-to-date.)


One small gripe: Looks like it (deliberately?) does not have the window buttons. I'm using it with the borders for MediterraneanDark in Cinnamon/Mint 16.


Thanks! Yeap, in fact it is on purpose. The borders are ment to be flat. The idea is that you know where your buttons are, so just click there when it's needed. In the meantime, clean borders. I understand, however, that may be not of your taste, so I'll add an alternative window border in order to show the buttons by default. This is actually a thing that already some people mentioned in earlier releases. The work is almost done to "solve it", so if you want to be in the latest news, I'll recommend you to follow the daily-weekly repo (which has all the things, even the broken ones, and a very early version of this issue available). Obviously you can use it with your favorite window border from other theme! :) And yeah, that icons are epic! ^_^ Thank you for commenting!

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version 1.2
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